How To Build A Corruption Free India | How To Curb Indian Corruption

Is it possible to curb corruption from India? Can one Anna Hazare and his Jan Lokpal Bill make much difference in the way things work in India? Many people say no to both the above questions. But, I say yes. Let us not forget that we live in a land where morality is held at a very high position. Morality cannot be taught, it has to be imbibed. It is absolutely possible to build a corruption-free India and today we will speak of the various ways through which we, the youth, can make India a better corruption free country.

We all know how many alcohol bottles are unloaded during election times for winning the elections. Fact is fact and we know it very well. This is the first sign of corruption entering into the nation. We the people have made ourselves so cheap that we get our country sold for a bottle of alcohol! What we do not see is: for every bottle of alcohol they get thousands of such bottles once they get into power. Next greatest thing which has troubled India is the shocking Swiss bank account statements. The reason of poverty in every nation is simple: rich keeps on getting richer and poor keeps on getting poorer. We never realize that we the middle-men are paying for every Rupee a politician eats. When I see Indian politics I see only robbers sitting on the top thrones. I do not name anybody in particular but all in general. There is not a single politician like Lal Bahaddur Shastri in the present day Indian politics.

Corruption can be curbed if the normal man becomes sensitive. Politicians robbing the country has become a everyday news of our daily life. The news of corruption has become so casual that everyone takes corruption for granted. When Dharma gets established it becomes difficult for corruption to survive. When the feeling of patriotism rises a Mahatma is born in every person. And when the nation is completely filled with such Mahatmas corruption finds it difficult to survive. People think that it is impossible to kill corruption but I will convince everyone by the end of this article that corruption can be completely stopped.

The higher chairs of Indian politics are always occupied by people of power. As a general thumb rule a person with power always strives for getting more powerful. The wants of a person are never satisfied. Let us say that there is a politician who has 10Crore Rupees in his Bank. When he sees that others have looted much more money than him, the feeling of jealousy comes up and in order to satisfy his ego he will eat more money. The most interesting thing is: he does not use any of this money for his family. This is the money which comes from politics and goes again to politics when the next election comes. A politician thinks that he is trying to make his future secure. But, the future of a corrupt Politician is never secure. The thought of corruption and fear of getting exposed are always eating up his brain. A politician has so much of external security with him but internally he is never much secure. I would salute the Politician who will take the first bold step and remove all the money from his Swiss Bank account and give it back to the Nation.

There is one more thing which has boosted corruption: all good politicians are killed by the terrorists. It is better to die like a good politician than to die like a corrupt politician. When money plays its role people never think about spirituality. We live on this earth. When we die we live in some other world. If we are righteous on Earth we will have to face hard times on Earth as long as we live is always true. If we are not righteous we enjoy as long as we are on Earth and both the above facts are completely true. But, what after death? When a person knows about hell and the tortures of Hell believe me no man on Earth will ever think of doing one single sin. The wrath of God helps us to face our mistakes and correct them. The one who is righteous and who suffers on Earth is said to get all the pleasures of Heaven in his after-life.

One of the greatest ways for curbing corruption is the inner-transformation. We have to respect the fact that evolution does not happen all by itself. The theory of relativity did not just evolve. It was in existence since a very long time. A person desperately searched for its facts and the day when he became completely tired and was bathing in a tub without thinking about anything, the Theory of Relativity flashed in his head from the Torsion area. Who gives us this thinking? Humans have understood everything about Science but they have not understood the 'how' part of birth and death. For killing corruption it is very important for a person to know that money is not at all necessary to live a happy life. People who have gathered hell a lot of money never find peace in their life. The joy of having lot of money only comes when it is evenly distributed. Else, a rich man is always afraid of someone coming and robbing all his money.

With inner transformation only people will understand that money is a very small part of life. As Buddha says: "When you know Thy Self, you will get immersed in joy and happiness. When your mind will be peacefully immersed in the joy of Self all other impure desires will drop out." The founder of Sahaja Yoga H.S.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states: "A big inner revolution is taking place. When people will become the Spirit they will stop doing wrong things automatically. I never tell anybody to stop drinking or smoking. Once they come to know that they are the Spirit the enlightenment comes in and people just stop doing things which are wrong. Drug addicts have overnight given away drugs, smoking, alcohol and all other things which are harmful for health." I have seen people getting transformed through Sahaja Yoga with my very own eyes.

We are living in a corrupt India but our next generation should not. 'Let us stop voting for the politicians' can never be a solution. Let the Government work like a crystal clear glass through which people can see very clearly the working of the Government. We the common man are suffering due to the corruption of the Politicians. The rate of every essential commodity is simply rising so high that people are finding it very difficult to live in this world. In order to curb corruption the Politicians will have to remember the slogan "of the people, for the people, and, by the people". Today's politics has the same mantra with the only difference that people is replaced with Politicians.

The Government should show the accounts and should also make sure that every Rupee spent on a project reaches its purpose and not the stomachs of all these hungry Politicians. The Nation should be ruled by ambitious youth, only then, youth power will make its purpose visible. The ruler of the Nation should be very simple and should have a very simple lifestyle and should earn only as much as is sufficient for a living. Till date I have seen only one such Politician and that is Lal Bahaddur Shastri. Shastriji used to get fifty Rupees for doing his duty. One day a man came and asked him for fifty Rupees and Shastriji said that he had saved no money and could not help him. Then, Shastriji's wife cam and gave Shastriji fifty Rupees to help his friend. When Shastriji cam to know that his wife used to save ten Rupees every month from his monthly salary, he went to his office and said to reduce his salary to forty Rupees per month! I am pretty sure that his wife was saving money even with that limited amount. Today I salute to that great man and pray that may such people again come to take care of India and not to rule India as the present politicians are doing. Let us all respect our freedom. Please use the comments section and do give your opinion on this subject and how corruption can be avoided and spread the link of this article throughout the internet to spread the awareness of curbing corruption in India.

Modern Technology Trends

What has modern technology got for us and what is it preparing for us in the mere future? The present day technology is seeing very rapid changes. The technology is changing so fast that it is hard to guess what would this world become by the end of 2020. With seeing the progress of the modern Indians in the field of technology Dr. Abdul Kalam the former president of India stated that India would become a developed country by 2020! Then what else to speak about the overall changes in technology all over the world by the end of this decade?

Technology till 2010: We have had advanced mobiles and advanced computers. The modern laptops on every desk today are so technically advanced that they were just a dream a few years ago. Google has changed the way information was gathered two decades back. People no longer buy books. Most of them are freely available online (and are also easily available if for sale).

Technology after 2010: Amazon has also changed the way internet operates by bringing forth its Kindles. Tablet PC's are blooming all over the market. Mobile phones have disappeared all that we can see today are something which were once called as smart phones. With the advance in mobile phone technology Internet access is available in every pocket even in developing countries like India (even in the towns and villages of India)! With so many technical advancements what will be the future of technology!

Technology by the end of 2020: There will be a great change in the transport system. There will be no crowd in a single metro train. Metro trains will become faster smoother and much better than before. AI equipped cars will avoid any accident and will be cheaper than ever before. Mobiles with The help of highly advanced mobile technology will turn into full fledged super-computers. Internet will be super-fast and damn cheap. Cars will no longer run on petroleum (I am sure all the petroleum of the world will be over by then if the population of the world keeps on increasing at such a scale). No switches will be available for turning electrical equipment on or off. The operating systems will run on touch input or audio or video gesture input. Building a house will become faster than ever with the help of latest technical advancements in material science. Goggles will no longer be just goggles they will come embedded with a spy camera! Camera's will be embedded in every possible things. Scientists will have nothing left to work on (may be they may do a work on spirituality through highly sensitive technical gadgets to discover what happens when a person meditates. Technology will definitely develop so much as to prove the existence of God Almighty and His powers which governs the laws of the nature and this whole Universe.

7th Sense Movie Review

7th Sense basically revolves around a basic concept of spirituality which makes complete sense. The movie has two different aspects. In the first part there is a very cool spiritual seeker Surya who accepts Buddha and does austere penances to get certain spiritual powers with which he can cure people and do martial art which is difficult to explain.

The second part of 7th sense has another Surya who is the modern generation youth and whose DNA approximately matches with the DNA of the previous Surya. Later on 7th Sense is more about Shruti Hassan and her research on Bodhi Dharma. The film has brought genetics into play and tries to explain the ABCD of genetics to the common man.

7th Sense has a superb beginning and a fantastic ending. All that is in between is just to keep the film going. But the beginning is so tempting that you should watch this film at least to take a glimpse of the spiritual geek Surya in the first half. History has it that there had been a few such Gurus in the ancient past but they never left their work behind because they did not want it to fall into wrong hands.

Overall 7th sense is an OK kind of movie. It is the beginning and the last fight which are very interesting. You will see flying cars and hypnotism in the film which makes the film interesting and the villain very very dangerous. 7th sense did not disappoint me. Shruthi Hassan has done her best and will not disappoint her father and the audience in the theater. 7th sense is at least a lot more better than Ra.One which looks like a movie made just because it was supposed to be made.

Ra.One Movie Disappoints The Indians

For the first time when I saw the trailer of Ra.One movie I was very excited to see the movie. When I saw the movie I was wondering how to pass my time in the theater. All my friends were fast asleep and I never knew what can be done next.

The film is the most boring movie I have seen till date and has nothing innovative in it. The way the movie goes it cannot be even called as a sci-fi movie except for the first fifteen minutes where a demo of the forthcoming technology is shown which also does not look so practical.

The only possible thing which might make the audience a little happy is the jokes in the film. The film is supposed to be for kids and yet it contains such absurd jokes that even adults will find them difficult to digest. Better not to take children to the theater if you wanna see this film.

If you have no other thing to do on this earth and you are finding it difficult to go to sleep go to see Ra.One else wait till a better movie is released. You may also like to see a review of the film 7th sense.

Amazon Kindle Fire | Amazon's Best Tablet The Kindle Fire

Amazon's Kindle fire will be making quick sale with the $199 price tag and is showing very good results for Amazon. The digital product selling giant has this time taken a big step and has introduced Amazon Kindle Fire which many claim is not a competition to the other tablet PC's. Amazon having a vast majority of online services claims that Kindle Fire differs in terms of the service that it allows Amazon to perform and is not a much of performance based Kindle. The features and the price tag of the Kindle Fire are really stunning and amazing.

True to its name, the Amazon Kindle Fire comes with a very great package which makes everyone tempted to buy one:

  1. Amazon Kindle Fire has a great and amazing 7" touch screen which allows you to view the contents from wider angles in a hassle-free manner.
  2. Amazon offers rich colored magazine through its tablet.
  3. Kindle Fire runs on the Android platform but the stress is more on simplicity and the Amazon online shop.
  4. The user interface is the most simple one and is very easy to use. You just need to swipe the screen to switch between different windows or applications.
  5. As always, Amazon offers its great collection of 100,000 movies and TV shows through its Kindle Fire.
  6. Kindle Fire runs on a fast dual-core processor. The processor is a little slow but Amazon has this time used a new Amazon Silk cloud-accelerated browser which uses a split browser design to enable cloud computing and make good and proper use of the processor thus speeding up the browsing process on its Amazon store.
  7. There are many applications and games provided by the Kindle fire which can be used as per your need and tastes.
  8. Not to forget the millions of books that will be available oline through the Amazon store. The best part is the availability of the free books which will be available on the Amazon store which includes the old classic books which are copyright free and allowed legal free download.
  9. There is a free cloud storage technology used in the Kindle Fire. Kindle Fire has also eased the process of online bookmarking.
  10. Whether you like it or not, Kindle Fire runs only on Wi-Fi, which also means no 3G on this device. The Kindle Fire is not the Android Tablet category. It will lack most of the functions that you expect from any normal Android Tablet.
  11. Not to mention Amazon also has the biggest audio collection (17 million songs) online most of which will be for sale and easily available.
  12. The better part of the news is: you can stream videos directly on this device from the Amazon store and also Amazon uses a different technology to track all the pages that you view (considering your privacy of course) and comes up with amazing browsing speed by analyzing the content of the page first and displaying most of the textual information as quickly as possible. Amazon also comes with the Whispersync technology to sync all your necessary data with other devices.
  13. Kindle Fire comes with one year warranty, has a USB connector, and claims to give you 7 hours of battery life.

Why is the Amazon Kindle so cheap? The answer to this question lies in the marketing sector of Amazon. Yes, though the Kindle Fire boasts of a cheap Kindle which runs on the Android platform there are many things which make the Kindle a special product and also a special buy. As reported that screen of the Kindle Fire definitely works wonders and there are many other things behind the hood of this great tablet which Amazon has clearly stated. The tablet is built to make it convenient for Amazon to sell its products easily to its customers. The tablet has been specifically designed so that Amazon can find out the likes and dislikes of its tablet users and make things easy for them by  listing out things loved by them on its first page.

That said, please do not be under the impression that the Kindle Fire is running on the Android platform. The Android part has been tweaked and made o different that it is impossible to say as to which games or applications it might support. The whole point lies in making the product cheap so that Amazon lovers can buy it to use the online Amazon site to buy products which the Kindle runs hassle free. The browser is also said to be built so that it can take care of your likes and dislikes by following and keeping a track of all that you browse on it. Some people are of the opinion that this kind of has some effect on the privacy of people surfing the web. Yet, Amazon claims it very clearly that they keep the fact in mind that the privacy of its Kindle Fire users should not be disturbed.

Coming to the ergonomics part the Kindle Fire is just great in terms of its performance though it runs a dual-core processor it has made every humble effort to keep the user interface as clean and neat as possible. The touch screen does good and responds well. Not just that but the screen is also very crisp and gives a very good display. The audio on the Kindle Fire is also good (taking its price into consideration). The body of the Kindle Fire will definitely make it last for a very long time. The battery back-up as reported is also worth the money we pay. For an Amazon lover the Kindle Fire is a must buy with the cheap price tag. For others who want a good tablet, they might want to take a look at the compromise and decide whether they can compromise with a few things on the tablet. People reading soft copies of books and who love to sleep and read books will find the Kindle Fire to be a great product. It looks very neat and also helps you to use it and view it in various angles which makes you feel very comfortable with a tablet. The biggest compromise on this product was its inability to run on 3G network! Amazon claims that the Kindle Fire runs only with a Wi-Fi internet connection. This one was a very bold step from Amazon for everyone does have a Wi-Fi connection and most people love the 3G connectivity so that they can stay connected on the go.

With all this offered Amazon warns its buyers that they are not buying a tablet, instead, they are buying a device which makes it simpler and faster for Amazon to display and sell its applications, books, videos or even TV shows throguh its Kindle Fire in an easy and convenient way which is very user friendly. And the price os Kindle fire makes it something very special if you visit the Amazon store every often. Amazon Kindle Fire is a good device for Amazon to serve its regular customers and to sell products which are many times as cheap as a few dollars. Amazon Kindle Fire is a great buy for $199.

Flipkart The Online Shopping Service

Flipkart is a great service that allows you to do online shopping. The service is simply superb and great with so many credit cards being hacked on the internet, Fflipkart is the service which is more secure and also modern and technology oriented. All you have to do is log-in and the Flipkart cart is yours to buy as many items as you wish. The price that you will see will be so reasonable that you will praise it for its great interface and service.

Most of the sites online take cash and then deliver the item or they require you to pay cash after the delivery through credit cards online. Flipkart puts them all behind and goes for a more semi-manual service where there is a doorstep delivery and you pay for it after getting the item home to the delivery boy.

Flipkart has too many items in its list which includes books, mobiles and accessories, computers, cameras, games, movies, music, mp3 players, health care, home appliances and video. On top of this the rate is quite reasonable. Not just that but Flipkart also ensures you the home delivery with additional benefits of free home delivery if the cost of the product is more than rupees hundred!

I don't know how Flipkart manages it but its transport charges are limited to a very little amount which is included within the main amount. The rates are very reasonable and the service is just great. To the curious ones: the courier service used by Flipkart is BluDart which is also a great service supplying all the goods on time. Buy something from Flipkart and you will know what I am speaking about. I recently bought a pen drive which arrived two days after booking it online and am happy with the service of Flipkart online shopping.

Amazon To Release Its Kindle Fire Tablet PC

This time it is Amazon which is going to stir the news in the market by releasing its tablet PC of seven inches which is entitled as the Kindle fire. If you were an Amazon affiliate you would know how much Amazon tried to promote its tablet PC's all around the internet.

Amazon is known to be the bets place for buying books, music and also digital movies. The Kindle fire will simply make it even more easy for Amazon to sell its digital products which are in a great demand in the market. At just 260$ the kindle fire is definitely damn cheap and may also be quite low on features.

There are several things that you will be able to do with this great tool being released from Amazon: you will be able to read books, write notes, play games, listen to music, see videos and lot more. Amazon will release the Kindle Fire pretty soon. If I am not wrong the Kindle fire will contain many links embedded to its site spread throughout the interface thus getting free advertisement and also getting an increase in sales.

With the release of the Kindle Fire tablet PC from Amazon, Amazon us definitely looking forward for selling products and making huge profits. With so many digital products in its database, Amazon is just making sales of its digital products easier with the release of the low prices Kindle Fire which I hope does not fall short of additional features and disappoint Amazon lovers.

Is Desktop Better Or Laptop?

When it comes to buying a computer, the question which troubles everyone during the modern times is: what is better a laptop or a desktop. A laptop is known for its shorter life yet compactness which gives you the power of a desktop right on your lap. A laptop can be used anywhere and can also be carried anywhere as per your wish. A desktop on the other hand has a better user interface and comes with accessories like keyboard and mouse and is definitely much cheaper than a laptop. Also there are a few very good laptop configurations in the market which have everything for everyone offered at a reasonable price.

The first thing which shall decide on the above question is: what do you need a computer for? If you are a student it is better to go for a desktop (once you join a company you will definitely get a laptop). The only advantage of a laptop over a desktop is the portability. So if portability is of much importance to you, better buy a laptop. But, in most of the cases it is better to buy a desktop. If there are very frequent power cuts in your area it is better to go for a laptop.

A laptop has a short life. If you do not buy the right one, you have over heating issues. A laptop is not meant for games. If you are a game enthusiast, I am sorry to say: a desktop is a much better option for playing games. Keyboard and mouse of desktop can be replaced, same is not the case with the laptops. Laptops are designed for people who need to carry reports and designs in their computer and alter them and attend meetings. People doing great company projects/ project managers also find a laptop very handy. A laptop does not have too man wires sticking around all the time and proving to be a nuisance as in the case of a desktop.

Desktop on the other hand cannot have overheating issues. But, a desktop needs maintenance which is not the case with the laptop hardware. Laptop need not be thrown once the overheating starts. It is much better to upgrade laptops and use the same if you love your laptop a lot. Laptop though portable does not allow you to keep it on your lap for a very long time. Taking all the issues into consideration the conclusion of the whole topic is: laptop is easier to use and carry around and is also much comfortable to use  but has overheating issues and shorter lives, whereas desktops look good like robust power houses and need a little care and maintenance and can live for a very long time without the overheating problems.

New Curve 9360 From Blackberry Now In India

Blackberry curve 9360 has arrived in India. It has got the same looks which gives it a full fledged QWERTY keyboard and the normal decent looks which suit a business phone. The price of the Blackberry Curve 9360 however has got something which may tempt you to grab this phone and start using its great features.

Research In Motion (RIM) has announced the price of this masterpiece smartphone to be around rupees 20,000. Curve 9360 features a 5 megapixel camera and supports upto 32 BG of external card memory. The phone is a simple bar phone and is not funky from any angle. This time the Curve 9360 from Blackberry is coming with a great QWERTY keypad which is appreciated by all when ti comes to the Blackberry business phones. Curve 9360 also comes with a 2.4 inch screen and lacks the touch interface.

Curve 9360 is good as a business phone and is also much cheap for smart phones of its category. Not to forget that Curve has always been a favorite with the Indians, but, with the same old looks the phone just does not steal the attention of the crowd as the other touch-screen mobiles from Apple and Android genre do.

With the Indians seeming to like touch-screen mobiles, the Android phones and the tpuch-input phones of Nokia are doing more than great in the Indian market. With recent advancement in technology people have developed a liking for the touch-input enabled phones as they promise a greater display and also a better user interface which the users just love to have on their phone.

iPhone 5 Releasing In October

iPhone5 of Apple is all set to release in October. Much has been talked about and hyped about the Apple iPhone5 some of which are true and others not. This time Apple is blasting the phone with features that makes it nothing less than a full fledged computer. iPhone's have always topped the market and have always made the audience much keen about the next phone release. Let's hope that things do not go wrong this time as it had happened during the previously released iPhone 4 which had antenna issues.

The iPhone 5 will come with i OS 5. It has a dual core processor and it will come with 1GB RAM! I wonder if the next iPhone 6 version might even come with Microsoft windows installed on it. Expect a better and much smart and technical user interface. Media reporters have got the news that this phone will come with voice interface benefits. For more on the model features leaked see iPhone5 from TOI.

With so much of competition from Android Apple just keeps on getting better and better. iPhone is a very niche phone and performs the best in the Apple lovers' market. As far as security is concerned no one has ever been able to beat Apple. And need I say about the design and improvements that Apple brings with the release of every iPhone. iPhone 5 is supposed to be slimmer and faster than iPhone4 considering the ergonomics improvement of iPhones with the advancement of every version.

Increasing Internet Explorer Speed

Internet explorer the default browser which comes bundles with Microsoft is known to be very slow while taking you on an internet ride. The only reason why people may possibly rely on Internet Explorer is because of the security issues. People running very slow packet internet connections are really fed up of this browser and stick to Mozilla or Chrome. With the release of IE9 Microsoft has changed the history of browsers for the first time and put Mozilla behind in terms of speed.

  1. If you are running an earlier version of Internet Explorer try to update it. IE9 is only for Windows 7 users who have a valid copy of Windows 7 installed.
  2. If you are unable to update the browser open the current version and go to Tools.
  3. Select internet options.
  4. Now go to the Advanced section.
  5. Go to browsing section and disable the 'enable suggested sites' option. This option when enables finds news and other contents on the internet continuously thus decreasing your speed.
  6. Disable the 'show http error messages'. This reduces the load on the processor.
  7. Disable every option in the international section.
  8. In multimedia section disable the 'enable automatic image re-sizing' option. This also increases the browsing speed. Generally the data is already present it is just that the computer uses calculations and tries to make the webpage best fit in the browser by trying different settings to ensure the best view to be enabled.
  9. Now go to the security section. This is one section which makes it so late to deliver the webpage. The only three important options to be checked are SSL, TLS and the memory protection option. Apart from this disable all other protection. When the windows firewall is on you need not worry much about the security options. Moreover you are never secure even with these options turned on. They just make it difficult to the hacker to hack your system. But with firewall definitely there is no chance that someone hacks into the data of your computer.

Now close the browser and restart it. This once done increases the speed of the Internet Explorer which is much considerably observable on the slower as well as faster connections.

Increase the speed of Mozilla Firefox browser.
Tweak control panel to increase internet connection speed.

How To Increase Speed Of Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox being a favorite browser for many internet users, there are a few tweaks that you can do to your browser to make it connect to the internet much faster than the normal speed. The following tweaks can be done by any person who is naive to technology and computers. A few technical tweaks can make your browser faster than ever and make your downloads quicker thus saving much of your time.

  1. Type 'about:config' in your browser.
  2. Press the 'I will be careful I promise' button.
  3. Type network, go to network buffer cache size and increase its value (you can increase the value more than the supposed limit, the computer will simply limit it to the maximum that it is being programmed for).
  4. Scroll down to find max-connection and increase the values of all the connections.
  5. Set pipelining to true.
  6. Increase the value of pipelining max-requests.
  7. You may also increase the buffer and cache size (which also help in boosting the internet speed).

That's it now close your browser and restart it to find a new browser working faster than before. The speed increase is not much visible if you are using faster networks. But if you are two people using the same Wi-Fi connection you will definitely observe the difference.

Control Panel tweaks to make internet faster.
Make your Internet Explorer browser faster.

How To Increase Internet Speed Through Control Panel

People using mobile phone to connect to the internet through their pc are having a real headache of speed issues. There are certain fixes which if followed properly can boost your internet speed significantly. Discussing all the topics in a single post is not possible hence I tell you three different ways of increasing your internet speed in three different posts.

  1. The first thing which you are supposed to alter to get a faster connection is to play a little with your control panel.
  2. Now go to the phone and modem section.
  3. In the phone and modem pop-up window select modems.
  4. Now select the modem that you are currently using.
  5. Click properties. A new window showing the modem properties appears.
  6. In the properties window select modem.
  7. Go to maximum port speed and set it to maximum.

This is one of the settings which can speed up your internet speed considerably. A few more technical solutions that can increase your browser speeds are given in the following posts.

Tweaks to increase the speed of Mozilla Firefox.
Tweaks to increase the speed of Internet Explorer.

Happy Birthday Google

Google is the birthday boy who has just turned 13 today and has entered into his teenage. This search engine just changed the whole world and did it so stunningly that it made 'Google it up' a common phrase throughout the world for searching anything using this search engine giant. The concept of Google and go-ogling will live as long as the world lives for it makes the life of every person around the world a major bliss.

If it were not for this Google, internet would not see its future as it is today. Want to find your lost relative just use Google and you will have a very good chance of finding him on a social networking platform or on any other government related site. Internet became a place of fun with Google. To me Google is the bet social networking site which has bookmarked the best and closely related sites throughout the world to make things happier for its customers.

There are many products that Mr. Google introduced to the market and failed to make a significant impact. But, that never stopped Google from taking new innovative stuffs and keeping the people working in its Google labs busy all the time. The search engine giant is also praised by many web site publishers for it brings traffic to their site and keeps their bank accounts filled with lot of money. Rank first in Google for any keyword and you will know how blessed you are to have this search engine giant always at your fingertips

Though Google faced a few problems from people all the time criticizing it, as a whole the search engine giant is all the time praised by people for helping them find technical solution to fix computers and do projects with all the search results of Google. The algorithms of the Google search engine are very specific and is completely technology oriented. Google is the trend of the modern times and every person is helpless when he does not have this tool handy and nearby him all the time. Happy birthday Google.

Brio The First New Compact Car Of Divali Season

Honda has decided to take the bang and release its new compact and price effective car Brio for a cost of 4 to 5 lakh rupees. The car looks pretty good and is a good step taken in the Indian market for Diwali is the festival which brings new material to the house of the Indians. Brio is compact and is targeted towards the common man and competed with the low cost compact cars segment of other companies.

Brio comes in four models to suit everyone's needs. The car companies are expecting an increase in sales and market hold with the upcoming festival seasons of Diwali and Dasara. To add to the spices there is a total of eight new vehicle releases in this mega festival season. There are two new two wheeler vehicles and six other new cars yet to be released in the Indian market.

With the festival season coming up the time is best for most of the companies to release their new products as the sale during these times always reaches at its peak. The market is pretty unstable and is fluctuating between highs and lows with lot of other things also taking place. With the increase in the cost of petrol I wonder if the car sales of Brio might be hampered. Cost of gold is also fluctuating between highs and lows.

Lets wish best luck to Honda for the release of its new car the Brio which I am sure will show a good peak in the sales during the festival period. All the Engineers have put in good efforts to bring out the best of the car. Brio car specifications are very promising with a top speed of 160kmph and a mileage of 18kmpl on highway. For more specific car specifications list refer to Brio Car Specifications.

Dookudu | Mahesh Babu's Dookudu A Great Success

Dookudu the recent released film featuring Mahesh Babu one of the best actors of the Telugu Film Industry has worked wonders for the great actor and also his fans. Dookudu was making great airs and was also creating much enthusiasm among the Telugu film lovers crowd. Dookudu has again helped Mahesh Babu to dominate the Telugu film industry with a great storm which is already on the verge of surpassing the commercial success of the best Ram Charan Teja film 'Magadheera'.

The first day release of Dookudu brought in a whooping 12 crores to the producers with Magadheera on the other hand making nearly around 32 crores in the first week. Mahesh Babu fans are pretty much sure that the commercial success of this action packed comedy film will surpass that of all the other previous films of the Telugu film industry.

Though Mahesh Babu has acted in several hit films before one of his greatest film releases which shook the grounds of the Telugu Film Industry was Pokiri. Pokiri has created a great standing for this great actor and is a well known film among his fans. Dookudu is also making a great change in the life of this great celebrity but might not shake the image of the previous film which was a favorite among all the Telugu Film lovers.

Dookudu though a very good film may not make a big impact on the all time hit film Pokiri. Many may say that both the films are best in their own categories, but, Mahesh Babu has also had many other successes with action come comedy films one of them also being Athudu. Dookudu has made Mahesh Babu regain the image of a good actor and an action packed film hero. I wish all success to Mahesh Babu and his film Dookudu.

SMS | Short Messaging Service

SMS is a great way for every mobile holder to greet and communicate with his friends. The short messaging service abbreviated as SMS has become a favorite among the teens of today. It isn't uncommon to see teenagers sitting in the middle of the classroom and chatting with someone using the SMS service. Most of the networks avail the 100 to 150 messages free per day service which is also insufficient for a few teens.

SMS being a great boon is also becoming a great bane of the day which is being misused by many people. Girls are the targets who have a very tough time filtering the messages of the people. Some mobiles give you thr option of filtering the messages whereas some don't. There are certain softwares which help filter the messages on the basis of the phone number from which the message was sent. Blank SMS, meaningless messages sent to disturb girls and messages having flirting intentions behind them are many a times a great headache to girls and boys equally.

With all this going on and after seeing the way the SMS service is becoming a bane for humanity, the mobile companies are looking forward to cutting short the number of free messages per day to 100 messages as per the regulations of TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India). Using a mobile phone for chatting while a class lecture is going on is neither a good option nor a good attitude. With all these things going around I am looking forward for a more sensible and technical service where a person gets the options in his mobile to block or receive messages from any particular mobile number.

SMS messaging service should become more smart and should include options in the main network of the receivers whether they want to block the messages from that number or not. with so many innovations and technology reaching a point where activating such a service is never a big headache I think the mobile network companies are just fooling around and busy counting the money with no social responsibility outlook. Hope the mobile companies notice this SMS menace and also make their SMS messaging service by considering the privacy of people much better and joy giving.

Best Laptop Configuration

How to decide the best laptop configuration? With a few steps you will know the best configuration which is required for your laptop. There are certain things that you need to decide for yourself like whether your laptop configuration will need a graphics card or not.

The first thing that you need in your laptop: a processor. The best configuration for a processor is the i5 which is more balanced. It is only the numbers which increase and not the configuration. You will not be able to find out the difference between a i3 and i7 processor even while playing games! The minimum number of frames that are required to form a video is 10. So any frame rate above 30 should give you a standard crisp and good video display anything above it is just a show off and does not make much difference to the viewer. For our tasks we do not need i7 unless we play very big games which are best played on a desktop. HP laptop is a good choice if you want a powerful AMD processor and a great graphics card which give you a great high definition experience while playing games, watching movies, etc. HP Laptops get overheated but the technology it provides is worth every buck you pay for a powerful gaming rig or a thrilling HD video experience.

Coming to the graphics card: a decent laptop configuration will exclude a graphics card and try to use the internal graphics hardware. A graphics card generally heats the processor and makes the life of a laptop very short. Laptops are office accessories. Laptops should be used the most for creating quick and fast documents and are meant to be used for a very short period of time. In fact it is the programmers and the web designers who need a laptop the most in order to throw everything that comes into their mind in a beautiful and creative manner on the laptop screen. Gaming laptops also have overheating issues which one cannot complain about. One good way to deal with overheating is to use a cooling device (a fan powered by the laptop) under your laptop. The more you use the graphics feature of a laptop more will it get heated and the faster will it become useless. If you really want to have a graphics card 1GB memory is more than enough. Anything more than that is never used by the programs even if available. Inspiron laptops have an internal video graphics accelerator which shares a GB of RAM to give you a good graphics output. If your laptop has such features there is no need for an additional GPU.

A good laptop configuration should yield you at least 2.30 hours of power backup. Anything less than that is not negotiable. Battery will give you higher backup provided you do not have a graphics card which gives you higher performance.

A 500GB hard disk drive can store plenty of things half of which will be never used by you. There is no need to go for higher capacity drives unless you want to fill your laptop with more than 450 high quality films. You never get the time to listen to even 1GB music for your whole life.

SRS surround sound is always an added benefit for watching movies and listening to your favorite music. RAM of 4GB is never used by your system. Even the computer magazines will tell you that only 3GB of the ram is used by your computer with the heaviest of programs running on it. You can open 10 application on a computer having 512 MB RAM! Anything above 6GB is a waste of money and resources and never really helps you.

Dell gives you the advantage of having bigger touch-pads. Touch-pads are good to use when they are larger in size. A laptop should have at least 4 USB ports, 1LAN port, HDMI port, SATA port and another port for connecting to external video display devices like monitor or projector. Wi-Fi is a must for every laptop. A laptop without Wi-Fi is no laptop at all.

Laptop with pre-installed DOS saves you some money. You may install the OS later. But, machines with pre-installed OS comes with the added benefit of a motherboard CD. In the other case you need to individually download the motherboard CD and use its contents after burning it to a disc. Also a registered version of the OS that comes with a laptop with a pre-installed OS is definitely an added benefit.

This is the best laptop configuration I can think of anything more than this is never really used by laptop users. Even hardcore gamers do not use the above configuration to its fullest extent. Every PC magazine also knows and suggests this to be the best laptop configuration for laptop users.

Swiss Knifes

Swiss knifes are loved by one and all. The first time I saw one I really wished I had one. It took me a half day hunger strike to buy my first Swiss knife. And my family was really happy once it came to know of the different things one could do with it.

Opening a cover, removing a bottle cork, cutting things, opening Coke bottle steel caps, tearing things, trimming trees are just a few important things that a Swiss knife can do. Any work you name it and you will find the Swiss knife very useful. A Swiss knife also has a screw driver, a nail filing tool and also a cutting player is some cases.

If you go out for a picnic a Swiss knife is a must have accessory. there are so many things which can be done very easily with the help of this cute and short handy tool which slides into your pocket very easily. Swiss knife is a must have for every youngster. To me the Swiss knife also plays the role of a key bunch.

Believe it or not a Swiss knife can alone be used for repairing any computer. It also has a star screw driver which can deal with most of such screws. If you repair any electronic set you will know how much skill is required to remove a screw using a long screw driver. A Swiss knife on the other hand is very short and can be used very easily even by those who have shaking hands. Some times you may find that a flat chisel shaped screw driver is missing. Actually it is not missing it is coupled with a steel cap opener which has a flat top which can be easily used like a screw driver. Buy your Swiss knife as early as possible and explore all the possible things that it can do for you.

Why Brush Teeth Twice A Day

Brushing teeth twice a day has been there for quite a long time. There are many people who do not understand why we need to brush our teeth twice a day. Why do the dentists advise us to brush our teeth twice a day? There are many things in our mouth that we are not aware of which includes but is not limited to bacteria. Dentists know this but do not take the headache of explaining these things. Brushing your teeth twice a day reduces your chances of getting halitosis or the bad breath problem which makes people close their nose while you speak to them.

The more we keep our mouth close the more awful does it smell because of the food stuck between our teeth getting rotten due to the effect of these bacterias. Difficult to digest but the food that we eat finally gets broken down by the bacteria in our intestines and hence we get that horrible smell from the stools that we pass. This is the sole reason why our mouth and our stools smell so horrible.

To avoid the bad smell of the stools is definitely not possible but we can definitely prevent the bad breath of our mouth by washing it with fragrant toothpastes. That is the sole reason why everyone tells you to brush your mouth twice a day. It is more advantageous to brush your teeth after every meals.

Washing your mouth three times a day removes all the food that is deposited between the teeth and gives you a fresh and fragrant mouth which encourages people to speak to you. People with halitosis problem should brush their teeth at least four times a day which includes once after getting up from bed and once after every time you eat something. If you follow this simple mantra there will be absolutely no need to use a mouth wash henceforth. Just try brushing your teeth every time after having your meals for a few days and you will definitely be surprised to see the encouraging results.

Necessary Laptop Accessories

Necessary laptop accessories help us keep our dear machine clean and utilize them to the best possible limits they have been built for. Some laptops always look fresh while others look as if they have popped out of the dust bin trash. Certain accessories are so necessary for laptops that it is impossible to neglect them. As we all know laptops and desktop computers are not the same and hence the accessories which work great with the desktop may not necessarily do so with your laptop. The computer does not require you to buy much accessories to keep it clean but a laptop does because of its small size and big price.

The first necessary laptop accessory that you will need for your laptop is a cleaning set. This consists of brush, cleansing agent and a few other accessories which are helpful for cleaning your computer. The cleansing liquid removes tougher stains very easily. Some people also use glass cleansing agent with cotton swabs to clean their laptop screens.  The brush is helpful for cleaning your keyboard corners which you cannot normally reach out for while cleaning.

The next necessary laptop accessory is a mouse and a keyboard. Many a people think that these accessories are not so important. But to me it is really important. If the mouse and the keyboard are wireless, it is an added benefit, but, the cost has to be negotiated. A normal keyboard and mousse which is compact and a very basic kind of accessory will cost you around Rs 200 period. While a wireless input control accessory (mouse and keyboard) will cost you around Rs 900.

Certain laptop accessories save your laptop from the scratches it may be subjected to. Buy a scratch guard for your laptop screen and your laptop cover. This is a very good laptop accessory which helps you keep your laptop looking fresh and new for years together. Certain laptops come with a lid cover which is finished in such a manner that a scratch guard is not necessary. A scratch guard looks very odd on such laptop lids and hence this accessory should be avoided for certain laptop models.

You also get a keyboard protecting laptop accessory which is made from a rubber kind of material which spans across the entire keyboard and makes the entire area around the keyboard eliminated from the minutest traces of dust. The most important thing is that this accessory avoids accidentally spilled water from reaching the laptop circuit thus making it water proof (provided that you do not dip the whole laptop into a pond filled with water). This thing has definitely saved my laptop many a times so don't miss out on this one.

Many people do the stupidity of buying a headphone for laptops. Headphone is an accessory specifically designed for desktops. Many headphones which I tried did not have the tight bass which one wants for enjoy great beats and music. They distort at higher levels. The best sound accessory for a laptop is the intra-ear plug. Intra-ear plugs fit into your ear holes very neatly and are very comfortable to listen from. The noise elimination in intra-ear plugs is just great. The best intra-ear plugs I found was the Bose intra-ear plugs. The music pouring out of this accessory is just heaven. If at all you want to buy speakers for your laptop buy the laptop speakers which do not need an extra power input so that you can use them at places which are even far away from a power plug. If you think they do not sound much higher than the in-built speaker, think again. The quality of the sound may not be good but will be high enough for others to hear. If at all you want it for HD movie viewing then go for the bigger speakers or home theatre set-up. Surround sound is always great with the laptops of the present generation when coupled with great bass producing speakers.

If you can afford to buy a cooler pad for your laptop accessory go for it. Generally every HP laptop requires a cooling pad because of overheating issues. Dell laptops are better without them for the starting few months but later they are definitely necessary. the cooling pad is an accessory which utilizes the power from your computer through a USB port and runs a few fans in it which provide cool air which is being thrust into the bottom of your laptop. IT also elevates the laptop and definitely makes it difficult to keep it on your lap. This laptop accessory definitely increases the life of your laptop and keeps it happy for hours together.

Take care that your laptop has got all these necessary laptop accessories minimum of minimum. Laptop accessories are definitely costly. But, they are costly for a good reason. Laptop accessories avoid many harms from reaching your computer and make you feel safe and blessed for buying them along with a laptop. It is not necessary to buy a laptop accessory from a costly showroom which increases the cost to high to buy. All laptop accessories are pretty much the same in nature and are very necessary for the long and healthy life of your laptop.

Playing Video Games

Playing video games is the hobby of every person in the modern times. With so much advancements in artificial intelligence, graphics cards and graphics softwares, the gaming industry in a matter for a few decades has now come up with gaming technology which during one time was just a day dream There are a few things which if taken care of will avoid many damages to you as well as your system.

Always try to keep the brightness of the screen low so that your eyes do not become dry trying hard to stare at the bright and luminous screen. Do not stare at the screen for a very long stretch. No playing video games for a stretch of continuous four to five hours. Give yourself and your gaming console or computer some gap so that it can rest for a while and give you a better performance without getting its hardware pushed out of the limits. It is always better to close your eyes for ten to fifteen minuets after every hour of video game playing.

The greatest damage that can be done to your console or system is the controller hardware getting damaged. Any video involves lot of button pressing which we know cannot be prevented. Hence it is always a good idea to spend a few more bucks and buy a better gaming keyboard or mouse for yourself. The gaming controller accessories like joystick, keyboard, mouse etc. are always built in such a manner that they can last for a longer time.

Overclocking the system for the purpose of having a high definition game can make your processor burn if not ventillated and cooled properly. If you want to overclock your processor bring an extra big cooler fan and fix it on your processor and make sure that you have applied sufficient paste to the heat sink of the processor. Of course cooling issues of graphics card also have to be cared for. Never forget to clean the fans of your gaming system so that they move softly and keep your system sound and safe.

Pressing the buttons harder does not make the impact on the game software harder. SO press the keys gently. It is pressing the keys quickly which is more important than using force with them. You are not playing to break a keyboard, you are playing to win a game. Do not get so completely immersed into the game that you do not feel like peeing or doing any other necessary activities. Play your video game by sitting out of your system. You do not want to end up into a character as strange as the Mask in the middle of the road. Video games are fun to play only if they do not end up upsetting your health. Preserve your eyes by playing video games less and seeing mother nature more.

How To Choose Mobile Configuration

If you want to buy a mobile and are confused and you do not know which one to use then this is the solution to your needs. There are many choices which when made well can fetch you the best mobile that you want.

First decide on the type of mobile that you want. This section gives you choices like: touch-screen, bar, business phone with qwerty keypad, flick open and slide open phones. Bar phone is the best in terms of duration. Slide and flick will become lose and will require you to open and close the lid or slide it every now and then whenever you want to use it.

The next section is about 2G or 3G. At present the rates for 3G  are so high that unless you are a relative of Vijay Mallya you cannot think of any 3G plans. If you are pretty rich and want to use the service it is your choice. But a 3G mobile will browse faster on the 2G broadband much faster than a 2G mobile is the worst myth you can think of. In some cases might be true because of better antennas or some other reason but the above reason is not much true. The performance of both 2G and 3G mobile is same with any 2G plan

What will you do the most with your mobile phone? Browsing, playing mobile games, music, watch movies,etc. For browsing touch screens are best. For games bar mobiles with hard buttons last longer. For music there are many funky looking phones with slide or flick hoods (these are the youth preferences). For watching movies it is better to go for touch screen mobiles as it gives a bigger display. For chatting a normal bar phone with the numeric keypad and strong buttons are a good deal.

Which brand: If you are reasonably rich Apple, Blackberry, etc. For average users Nokia is best. If you are a dream photographer looking out for a good camera equipped set: Sony. For touchscreens: Nokia is best. I personally never liked Samsung though it tried to come up with a few good ergonomics related features.

That's it choose from above the best category which suits you, make a list of it and search for a mobile with the best features and the least price. Nokia cheats on the pixel density and camera clarity many times. I failed to see a good 3MP camera from Nokia till today. The clarity of 2MP is itself more than sufficient. With new innovations the modern technology and mobile phone are getting better and better making it hard for us to make a proper choice.

Mobile Software Tips

Mobile phones come with a variety of flavors and yet any mobile you buy there are certain things you need by default on your mobile to extract the most out of it. With software changing day by day people get confused and are unaware of the latest technology that comes out to be handy in order to use their mobile phone in its fullest glory. Mobile being the trendy gadget of the day has become a bare necessity for so many people rich and poor alike. Let us take a look at a few mobile technologies that will help us in this tour.

Mobile software has to be updated from time to time. Updated softwares are more safe to use and work as a patch to cover up the security issues which were not being addressed a few days ago. The software of your mobile has to be updated once in every two months by activating the Internet connection on your mobile.

In order to keep your mobile and its data safe you should install an anti-virus on it. There are many anti-virus programs in the market. Of them all Net-Quin anti virus is very fast and very light on the system resources. It automatically updates its virus database. The best option in this program is that it helps you forcibly shut down the background applications which are not the default applications of your mobile. Which means you can close all the Trojans and viruses running in the background in a single click. For doing this select the safe mode option in the anti-virus section. A message will appear asking you whether you want to shut down the unnecessary programs say yes. This will shut all the programs which are not the default mobile applications.

If you are a Gmail user you need to go to Gmail from your mobile and click the link which allows you to download the Gmail for mobiles application which I bet is faster than the Gmail that runs on the fastest broadband connections! A very good and light to use application which makes browsing mails easier and filled with fun.

Do not miss out on the facebook tool. Many mobile networks give you the added feature of using free facebook browsing. Just configure a few settings as said by your mobile network provider and you are set for a lifelong free facebook gadget in your hand.

A smart mobile phone with no good browser does not sound much good. The best browser for the symbian mobiles is the UC browser. I don't know how but it just compresses the data and makes data transfer so quick and fast that you will be stunned for a while. The very next most useful browser is the opera for mobile and the opera mini browser. In terms of size opera mini is a very small browser. Opera mobile is a few MB's larger while the opera mini is just in KB size.

There are a few other soft wares also which can give you the live scorecard of the matches going on right now around the world. Just type the name of your best sport and you may get a widget ready to be installed on your mobile. Nokia mobile owners have OVI suite which hosts the best free gadgets. There should be a software updating default programs in all the mobiles just use it and you will get many free tools which suit your demands.

Mobile technology is very fast improving. The latest concept phones are something more than a computer in actual life! Mobile phones are no longer mobile phones they are smart phones as far as the technology used in them is considered. The cost of the mobile phones are falling down and now good looking 3G equipped mobile phones are available at the cost of a few thousand rupees. Touch screen mobile technology shook the market and has made every youngster want to have one such with him/her all the time.Take a look at the latest technology in mobile phones and I am sure you will love the future that these mobile phone will bring to humanity.

Modern Mobile Technology

Mobile is one sector which has a very big impact on the market. With every new mobile we see a set of new technologies dome of which we do not know and some of which we never use. Modern technology has brought a major change in the way mobiles are being used today. Mobiles are no longer the same old mobiles they once used to be. Mobile technology has changed so much that mobile has become more versatile and more innovating as compared to a computer. Some of the latest technologies that can be expected in the forthcoming mobiles has been discussed here. Also there is a detailed information about the best modern mobile configuration if you are interested.

Are you tired of these qwerty and short mobile keypads which take so much of your time to type messages. The latest technology in the forthcoming mobiles promises you a laser keypad. Does that mean that you will be devoid of the numeric and qwerty keypad on the mobile: no. But the mobile will project a laser keypad on a surface and you will be able to type whatever you wish and close the laser keypad. Sounds good but we still do not now the feel of it. The plus point is that now you will be able to type long office documents as you did with your computer and the keyboard will be very very flexible to use.

How will you like your mobile to be as slim as a book cover. This is the latest innovative mobile to come in the iPhone market. The concept model looked very great. The mobile looked so slim on the YouTube video that I was really stunned. Just search iPhone 5 on YouTube and you will see most of the mobile technologies discussed here with your own eyes (select the leaked video).

How about watching video in the middle of air. Yes iPhone 5 is said to come with a mobile technology which will allow you to project the video on a thin glass film which reflects the film beam and gives you the 2D image of the video floating in air. Sound very promising but do not expect HD or any such thing here. The focus is on making the image of the phone larger so that you do not strain your eyes with the tiny little screens of your mobile. Just imagine a web page projecting as such. Not just that but there are touch interface features also shown, so the idea and concept is very very promising

The generation next mobile will no longer be a mobile but will be a compact computer. With the laser keyboard feature the mobile will be more powerful and portable as compared to a computer. You never know what technology has in store for you. The hope is to see nanotechnology flourishing so that a gadget will have a very small battery to power it up which in turn will increase the battery backup and also the performance of the systems. Mobile technology is advancing very fast and iPhone taking the lead with the most innovative technical gadgets filed under its hood.

Modern India

Modern India is a lot more different than the ancient India which once existed. Modern India though retains certain factors that were its heritage then and even now.Though the modern day Indians stress more on science and technology they tend to forget with time that science had its roots in India and was very much developed a few thousand years back.

The modern woman of India has become more sensible and has fought a war against the useless rituals of  the earlier days. The modern woman is well educated (as was the case in the earlier period where great queens and leading women of the society were taught vedas and upanishads in those days). But now every girl has the right to education which eventually brings forth a generation of kids which is also well educated and much wise.

Modern girls need to learn martial arts more than the guys, but, the case is a bit reverse. In earlier times women were valorous and fought great battles single-handedly. If you read the Devi Mahatmya you will  be surprised to know that a single Devi could fight against huge armies of Demons without any help being rendered from other Gods. And hey the description of the battle makes you feel so sure that a battle as such can definitely take place. The modern day girl knows the world history but very little about the epic history which many term to be falsehood (except the scientists of the modern time who found evidence of the existence of the incarnations like Shri Rama And Shri Krishna).

Modern India studies Western science whereas Westerners are more interested in the spiritual science of India. Modern days have seen many spiritual leaders who loot people on the name of spirituality. Man has reached many planets with the help of great telescopes and is yet ignorant about the most common question: who could have thought of creating such a beautiful universe. After all every creation has a creator!

Modern India has corruption rooted deep within its system. As in the earlier days even today a big guy rules over others and snatches their money. And the ordinary man is more than happy with the little amount of money that lightens his stove. But definitely the greed for getting more money has spoiled that attention of so many Indians. Modern India has many factors that can make it a leading country but the future of politics in this country seems to be in disaster.

Modern Webdesign Technology

     Gone are the days when you had to sit in front of your computer and write the codes for your website. The technology today is so advanced that you just need to get started with the first essay on your site/blog. Thanks to the fast paced technology, even a small ten year old kid can now has his own website set up on the world wide web within a minute.

     Things like Blogger and wordpress are now giving the opportunities to every person old or young to set up his own website and try to have his own work from home business as he likes it. All thanks to the modern technology and the latest trends being followed by the generation today.

     You can maintain your blog like your own online diary or just make it a place where you want to share your word with the people online. You can do all this with the additional advantage of making money from professionally created blogs/websites. Gone are the days where you need to design a site in order to put it up online for others to see it. There are many people earning handsome money by a site as simple as an online blog.

     The only minus point is that you do not get whatever expected as soon as you set up a blog. It needs to be nourished. Many webmasters tell you that you can do it. In your excitement you keep on searching for new methods to do the same. You go to their websites to find the solution and make them money. You really need to be a computer geek if you want to make money from your blog. For making money you need to rank first in the search results of Google. But there is another sweet spot behind the truth.

     You need to optimize your site so that it ranks fist in the search results of Google. This part is done for you by the search engine optimization companies. There are also many softwares out there which can help you accomplish the goal (provided you can afford them). There are also many SEO experts who can take over the job from you. All you have to do is set up the blog and they will take care that you earn the cash. SEO is a one time process and is a one time investment. Though good bloggers hand over their site for the SEO companies once in every six months.

     There are many people who do not know even the abcd of webpage designing and yet they have their websites up and running. Hackers also earn a pretty handsome money till their site gets banned once and for all. Though they always have a permanent site which always keeps on making money to them. Technology has increased and the modern trends demand that every person out there sets up his own blog. It can also prove as a means of advertising oneself. Have a nice day.

India by 2020

     Remember the book 'Wings of fire' written by Abdul Kalam. I don't know whether his words will come true or not. But my prediction has a scientific background to it. What I predict about India till 2020?

     Whether you believe or not but I am sure that by 2020 corruption will be completely swiped out of India. The destruction will be almost over and people will have started a new pious and spiritual life.

     Believe it or not but I have a firm feeling that Science will come forth to promote spirituality. The world will be filled with prophets. The Kingdom of God will be completely established on Earth. The early days where the Yogis used to have a direct communication with God will arrive again.

     Science and spirituality will walk hand in hand. Science will be able to prove spirituality out and out. Petrol will be over and people will again revert back to the same modes of transport as were used in the oldest days.

     People will seek for brother sister relationships. All this sounds absurd but is supported by many scriptures. Many predictors have said that the time of the next comforter is exactly after the work of Guru Raghavendra will be over. Honestly speaking the time of resurrection is here and now. What awaits next will be destruction.

     All the predictors including Christ have stated that the next comforter will come with all Her powers (which means that She will come in the form of a woman). This was clearly told by William Blake and Bhrigu muni (Nadi Granth). A woman coming with all Her powers is definitely the Adi Shakti. But it has been added that She will hide Her powers by using Her Maya Shakti and that She will come to give en-masse self-realization to many people.

     So far I have found Sahaja Yoga promising all these things. Its founder is H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Nirmala is no doubt the name of the Devi in the Devi Mahatmyam. And of course I got my self-realization through Sahaja Yoga as taught by Her. All the words of Adi Shankaracharya I understood after getting my realization through Sahaja Yoga. And I am sure that Sahaja Yoga alone is the way of getting resurrection quickly and getting a place in the kingdom of God. Hope even you may get your self-realization as quickly as possible and get resurrected. Enjoy the following about: religion and realization.

The Message Of All religions

     We all follow a religion in order to pray to God. According to me religions are just different styles of attaining the same goal: self-realization. Before speaking about any other thing let me tell you a few very important messages given by all the religions.

     Lets start with the religion with the maximum number of Gods in it. The Hindu religion. According to the Hindu religion there are 350 crores (crore=10millions) of Gods present in the heavens. The message of Hindus: get Atma-Saakshaatkar (self-realization). The Yagnopaveet ceremony is to be done by a realized soul in order to give realization to the younger one. The technique used by the Hindus to attain God: meditation.

     The Islam religion is also one of the greatest religions which can help a human being to attain God Almighty known as Allah. The technique used by them: Namaaz. They have to become prophets (i.e. to get their self-realization). Muslim means a saint who is surrendered to God Almighty. The great Prophet Mohammed introduced this great technique of doing Namaz which helps a person to attain self-realization and also to become a Prophet.

 The next one is Christianity. In Christianity the main aim is to get baptized (to get self-realization). To become a twice born is the symbol of the Easter eggs that are being distributed by the Christians. It is also known that only a Baptized person can baptize another person by purifying him through Baptism which was also done to Lord Jesus Christ by John the Baptist.

     The aim of Buddhism: know thy self: which means- attain your self-realization. This is also the aim of the Jains and most of the widely spread religions of the whole world. To spread Divine love has also been the messages of all these religions. But, what is self-realization, what is its significance and how do you know that you have attained your self-realization.

     The answer to the above question also lies in the religions. The same Divine cool breeze is known by many names in different religions. In Bible it is the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, in Islam it is called as Ruh (Prophet Muhammad had actually said that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak, this also refers to the flow of the cool breeze in our hands), in Hindu religion it is called Sallelam Saleelam by Adi Shankaracharya, it is also called as Chaitanya Lahari, Ritumbhara Prgnya, etc. Gnyan as in Buddhism also refers to knowing thy self on the tip of thy fingers.

     If this is the resurrection time the comforter must have had already come. Till date I found only Sahaja Yoga promising the Divine Cool breeze. Sahaja Yoga was founded by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. It respects all the religions on earth as they are absolute truth and nothing else. Many people of all religions have go their self-realization through Sahaja Yoga. The best part: they do not convert you, they  just give you your self-realization. Self-realization can be obtained through all the above mentioned religions, but, the process is slow. Sahaja Yoga spontaneously gives you your realization and the quality of the people called as Sahaja Yogis also promises the fact that they are real Prophets who are busy transforming the whole world and making them as Prophets too. Sahaja Yoga is free: so they cannot mesmerize you for anything whatsoever. They are chaste and pure people and very loveable. Just go to and enter the experience it now section. I am sure you will feel the cool breeze on your hands or on top of your head.

Work From Home Job

     Many Engineers of Bangalore are now looking out for the work from home jobs. Recession seems to be hitting India at any moment. Most of the software employees are all the time busy with their laptops trying to get some work from home opportunity.

     There are a few work from home jobs which are very prominent in the public. One of them being the data entry job. The sad part of the story is: There are too many such jobs on the internet which ask you for an initial investment. And you never know if it is the best one or not,

     the next best work from home opportunity is to build a blog and earn from the ads. This is very risky for you never know when the ad company will sack you for no reasons known to you. The best part is: you cannot sue them for you do not know the reason for which they have sacked you. The guy who claims to be the original creator of Facebook had once successfully sued Google for a few 600 bucks which Google had refused to pay to him.

     Any more work from home opportunities? There are: internet marketing! This is the most boring stuff online and it does not involve much creativity but a little bit of marketing skills. Blogging is by far the best option but setting up a blog, optimizing it, signing up with ad agencies is a real headache which people love to avoid as far as possible. Moreover getting the content for a blog is a very big headache. But, if you love it it s the best hobby you can look out for in this world.

Nokia 5233

     This is one of the best economical phones from Nokia I have seen till today. It has no Wi-Fi no 3G and yet it is the youngsters choice of today. if you know how to maintain a system the phone is never a headache. People had complained about it before and later found that the phone is definitely a great bang for money.

     5233 has an awesome touchscreen and looks a very decent phone. The white-grey version just stole my heart. The internet browsing experience of this phone was so great that all my friends have opted to buy this phone. 5233 is sure to steal anyones heart right away.

     The screen being a big one, watching movies online on this mobile has been real bliss. The sound is a bit low as compared to 5230 but it is worth the amount of money you pay for it. The quality of music on this one is just great. Use the noise-cancelling earphones from Creative and heavens will pour down your ears. Even the worst of all music seems heaven on this phone.

     One thing that is so great about this mobile is its camera. A 2MP camera that works a lot more better than the 3MP camera on the X3. This is one thing that all my friends have appreciated a lot in this mobile. In simple words Nokia 5233 has got all that is needed by any middle-class consumer. In fact it gives you more than what you expect from it. Comments are welcome

Will The Jan Lokpal Bill Succeed

     Will the Jan Lokpal Bill succeed in curbing the corruption of Indian politics. This is a very delicate situation that Indian politics is passing through for the first time in history. The Lokpal bill has never been taken up so seriously by anyone before. Thanks to team Anna Hazare that the Indian politics will see a new fate in the upcoming future. All the corruption of the politicians has been disclosed by many organizations on the national as well as the international level. Thanks to the non-profit organizations like wiki-leaks who are doing such a beautiful job.

     The main question is what will be the fate of the Jan Lokpal Bill this time. Anna is very active and wants his demands to be fulfilled. The great freedom fighter has gone on a hunger strike time and again to give India its second freedom. All that he needs is the support of the people. Are we the citizens of India taking up the responsibility of taking part in this major revolution.

     Everyone feels excited when he sees a politician getting exposed in front of the media. No I will not name any of them for we know them all. If the same continues what will be the fate of Indian politics. I remember the words of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi the founder of Sahaja Yoga stating that Satya Yuga has begun. That the resurrection time has started and that all that is cunning will be exposed in this time. The Law of Polarity: Karma Phal as they call it in the Hindu tradition is showing its color.

     As Indians I think we all should support Anna on the 16th of this month in order to bring India its second freedom. Freedom from corruption. The British have left theior system behind. In order to wipe the British system clean the Indian politics must and should be ruled by pure Indians. Lets see what direction will this new revolution lead us to. Jai Hind! May the Jan Lokpal Bill be a tremendous success and may it succeed in curbing corruption from its very roots.

What To Do After Buying A New Laptop

     Bought a new laptop, what next? There are many things to be done to a laptop after buying it. It is generally better to buy a laptop which has Windows pre-installed on it. As soon as you grab your precious machine the first thing you need to do is to right click on My Computer and see the configuration of the machine.Make sure you got what you have got. In case it comes with just pre-installed DOS just press F2 while the laptop is booting and you will know the configuration of your laptop.

Laptop with DOS: For a laptop that comes installed with DOS, do the disc partitioning while installing your Windows or Linux OS into it. Install a good anti-virus. Turn the auto-update off. Remove the battery once and check the internal print. Be sure to check the touch-pad after getting hold of the piece. After installing the OS be sure to install the anti-virus immediately. Install all the other softwares you need and do a clean anti-virus scan. Do not install all the drivers which you do not need. The drivers you will need are: keyboard and mouse, video, audio, network, communication, DirectX 11. Graphics driver in case there is a graphics card, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB drivers if any, HDMI and eSATA in case you wanna use an external HDD, etc as per your needs. Installing them all will simply slow down your system. Always keep a back-up of the drivers and softwares in the computer and also in DVD's.

Laptop with Windows OS: Install all the additional software you need. Use an authenticated anti-virus and scan the whole computer. Sometimes HDD's come with fresh horrible viruses. Do not allow the dealer to install all the games and other stuff to your laptop. This is a very good way to get viruses into your systems. Dealers are very good hackers. they may try to make your system corrupt so that you keep on going to them for maintenance and they keep their pockets filled time and again from you. That's it your laptop is ready to be used till it fills your heart. Also it is a good point to see if both the speakers and other accessories are working well. In case if they are not try updating the drivers. If it still doesn't help use the free servicing.

    The next thing you do is buy a spike-guard power plug. In case there is a high voltage, the fuse will blast and guard your laptop against further damages. This is a very important part and should not be neglected. Doesn't matter even if you buy a basic low quality one, but please buy one. Internal damages are the best thing to make your laptop die before its expiry date. Moreover the battery should not get fluctuating voltages. In order to make sure that your battery will perform as expected to, charge the battery completely and discharge it completely till the laptop warns you that it will shut down (till the last percent of charge remaining in it). The battery performs excellently if this is done for the starting ten to fifteen cycles of charging and discharging. Do not push your laptop to its extremes as soon as it is brought. Give it some time to improve itself. The present day machines are very powerful and any laptop with 4GB, i3, 500GB HDD, 1GB video memory can handle anything thrown at it with much ease. Anything less, do not push it too hard at the very beginning. Know its powers first and then subject it to whatever you think it is capable of handling.

     A scratch on your laptop will hurt you more than a scratch on your heart. So, buy two scratch guards and stick one to the lid of the laptop and other to its screen. Also buy a keyboard guard rubber protector. This will avoid dust from entering your laptop. Do not use VLC player with full volume this will blast the speakers in your laptop. In case the heat sink is below the laptop use the cooler pad and keep it below the laptop while turning it on. The laptop keyboard is not designed for playing games. Use an additional keyboard and mouse if you want to use the laptop for gaming purposes. That's it, enjoy your laptop now. Check online to see if the laptop is recognized and is valid for claiming warranty.

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Film Review

      Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara is definitely a film out there which should never be missed out. The starting gets you pretty much boring and leaves you very much confusing. Too much of fuss at the start, so much so that the title of the film Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara seems to be completely meaningless for a while. A few minutes later Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara is just a blast and you never know how the time passes by.

     Why did Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara bedcome such a hit with the Indian audience even when the audience were never exposed to such films before. There are many reasons behind it. the jokes of Farhan keep you keen and interested in the film. In fact you will kind of search for Farhan throughout Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. Hrithik looks superb and has definitely done a very great job. No doubt about this.

     The film is revealing three characters in the form of three friends. Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara just tries to tell you: "Live the moment right here right now. You never if there is a tomorrow for you to live. Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara: live it full and live it now".
      The adventure trips are well thought out. Katrina will not disappoint you neither will she satisfy your expectations. She does not have much to do in Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. But definitely she has a very important character to play. She has few but very important dialogues.

     Abhay Deol plays the role of a confused guy who is about to be married unexpectedly to a girl whom he appreciates but does not love! The final adventure gives him the right direction and he understands what5 he qwants the most. Kalki Koechlin plays the role of a doubting fiance in Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. Naseeruddin Shah portrays the role of a yonker who impregnates a woman and leaves her helpless then forth.

     Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara steals the show and gives you all that you expect from a film. three friends portray three unique characters. One is a money hungry stock broker, the other is a confused guy about to marry while he is not yet ready for it, the third one is in search of his illegitimate father. Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara is a real punch and will definitely make you happy. Go to the nearest theater and watch Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara.

Bose Intra Ear Headphones

The Bose Intra ear headphones (also known as Bose TriPort In-ear headphones or ear buds) have stolen every buyers heart. Looks cool, it is comfortable and sounds awesome. I had to include these headphones as these are recommended by the greatest technical magazines throughout the world. Trust me, the Bose intra ear headphones are just bliss to listen to.

Initially I thought of playing some pop songs in it: it was very good. I just felt as if the singers were singing the song right into my ears. The sound quality just blasted me out. Pop, classical, jazz, melody name anything and these earplugs will fill your ears with blissful sounds. Beethoven and A.R. Rehman music was just paradise with the Bose intra ear headphones.

To test the headphones I tried playing the Indian classical songs on it. I played Bhimsen Joshi on an Apple i-pod in bass mode. My heart just dissolved at the superb table beats that the ear-phones provided. Any player will play the Bose earphones pretty well (or rather it is the other way round).

The earphones worked best in bass as well as treble mode. It sits comfortably in your ear and has excellent noise cancellation effect. I went through the user reviews before buying this one, trust me it is nothing but heaven to me. Music sees a new dimension when it comes out of the Bose Intra ear headphone.

The ear plug may sometimes slip off if you go out for a jog or if you are toiling in a gym. But hey the sound quality just hides all other things and makes these earplugs the best of the best on earth. I recommend this to anyone who has the bucks to burn for a earplug costlier as these Bose intra ear headphones.

Nokia N900

Nokia N900 is all set to steal the mind of the audience. This compact looking phone has got some real amazing power under its hood. The Nokia N900 looks dangerously good and definitely looks funky. Let us take a look at a few technical specifications of this awesome mobile:

  • Nokia N900 has up to 32 GB storage space which is more than enough to store your favourite music collection and movies in it.
  • A 1 GB application memory which includes 256 MB RAM and 768 MB virtual memory.
  • Supported protocols: Mail for Exchange, IMAP, POP3, SMTP.
  • SMS and instant messages are organized as conversations in the Nokia N900. 
  • You can save contacts, messages and also do some instant messaging with this superb smartphone.
  • How does an integrated hands-free stereo speaker sound on the N900?
  • A log will tell you about the most recent calls, dialled numbers and all other calls report as expected.
  • Nokia N900 supports the following ring tone codecs: .wav, .mp3, .aac, .eaac, .wma
  • Wi-Fi networking (802.11b/g) with WEP, WPA, WPA2 security; designed for continuous TCP/IP connectivity ensures you to stay connected with every Wi-Fi network in your surroundings.
  • You can connect the Nokia N900 to your PC and browse the internet while the N900 will act as a modem for your PC.
  • Music playback file formats supported by N900 are: .mp3, .wma, .aac, .m4a, .wav
  • Video playback file formats supported by this Nokia mobile phone are: .mp4, .avi, .wmv, .3gp; codecs: H.264, MPEG-4, Xvid, WMV, H.263
  • Video streaming specifications: H.264, MPEG-4, Xvid, WMV, H.263 in .avi, .mp4, .wmv, .asf, and .3gp containers
  • Hook your Nokia N900 to the TV out port (NTSC/PAL) with Nokia Video Connectivity Cable (CA-75U, included)and enjoy watching videos in your mobile on a HDTV.
  • FM radio (requires headset to be attached) and FM transmitter keep you in touch with the radio wherever you go.
  • And to add up to your excitement the Nokia N900 comes with a 5mp camera with a protective slider.
Mobile review:
Browsing is a very great experience on Nokia N900. The browser used is MicroB and handles all data thrown on it pretty well. This is one of the best reasons why someone should buy the Nokia N900. Flash games work very well in the N900 and made us extremely happy. The wonderful five-row keyboard and the amazing keypad make the N900 a very special deal. The touch-screen is well responsive and the speakers are placed along the side of the phone which makes me praise the ergonomics of the Nokia N900.

The batery life of the mobile is a bit disappointing. The mobile will give you only 5 hours of continuous music. To make things worse the Nokia N900 is a bit more heavy than expected. The camera may disappoint you if you are used to taking high quality videos and photographs. The photos taken with the camera were quite normal and had nothing in particular that it could boast of. The audio recorded with the N900 also sounded a bit metallic which may not be liked by everyone. The GPS is a real GPS but supports a lower version of OVI maps (version 1.0), yet is sufficient enough to help you all the way to your destination.

The built-in speakers of Nokia N900 are loud, but, they lack quality bass.
 Overall the Nokia N900 looks cool and is fun to play around with. It plays all formats of multimedia thrown at it and also has a good ergonomic rating to boast of. Browsing on the Nokia N900 is really heaven. Trust me this phone is a real gem if you are a browse on the go lover. Only if Nokia N900 would have a decent camera I would have closed my eyes and said yes to everyone who wants to buy it. The camera is just above average and might disappoint expert mobile users.