How To Increase Speed Of Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox being a favorite browser for many internet users, there are a few tweaks that you can do to your browser to make it connect to the internet much faster than the normal speed. The following tweaks can be done by any person who is naive to technology and computers. A few technical tweaks can make your browser faster than ever and make your downloads quicker thus saving much of your time.

  1. Type 'about:config' in your browser.
  2. Press the 'I will be careful I promise' button.
  3. Type network, go to network buffer cache size and increase its value (you can increase the value more than the supposed limit, the computer will simply limit it to the maximum that it is being programmed for).
  4. Scroll down to find max-connection and increase the values of all the connections.
  5. Set pipelining to true.
  6. Increase the value of pipelining max-requests.
  7. You may also increase the buffer and cache size (which also help in boosting the internet speed).

That's it now close your browser and restart it to find a new browser working faster than before. The speed increase is not much visible if you are using faster networks. But if you are two people using the same Wi-Fi connection you will definitely observe the difference.

Control Panel tweaks to make internet faster.
Make your Internet Explorer browser faster.


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