Happy Birthday Google

Google is the birthday boy who has just turned 13 today and has entered into his teenage. This search engine just changed the whole world and did it so stunningly that it made 'Google it up' a common phrase throughout the world for searching anything using this search engine giant. The concept of Google and go-ogling will live as long as the world lives for it makes the life of every person around the world a major bliss.

If it were not for this Google, internet would not see its future as it is today. Want to find your lost relative just use Google and you will have a very good chance of finding him on a social networking platform or on any other government related site. Internet became a place of fun with Google. To me Google is the bet social networking site which has bookmarked the best and closely related sites throughout the world to make things happier for its customers.

There are many products that Mr. Google introduced to the market and failed to make a significant impact. But, that never stopped Google from taking new innovative stuffs and keeping the people working in its Google labs busy all the time. The search engine giant is also praised by many web site publishers for it brings traffic to their site and keeps their bank accounts filled with lot of money. Rank first in Google for any keyword and you will know how blessed you are to have this search engine giant always at your fingertips

Though Google faced a few problems from people all the time criticizing it, as a whole the search engine giant is all the time praised by people for helping them find technical solution to fix computers and do projects with all the search results of Google. The algorithms of the Google search engine are very specific and is completely technology oriented. Google is the trend of the modern times and every person is helpless when he does not have this tool handy and nearby him all the time. Happy birthday Google.

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