The Message Of All religions

     We all follow a religion in order to pray to God. According to me religions are just different styles of attaining the same goal: self-realization. Before speaking about any other thing let me tell you a few very important messages given by all the religions.

     Lets start with the religion with the maximum number of Gods in it. The Hindu religion. According to the Hindu religion there are 350 crores (crore=10millions) of Gods present in the heavens. The message of Hindus: get Atma-Saakshaatkar (self-realization). The Yagnopaveet ceremony is to be done by a realized soul in order to give realization to the younger one. The technique used by the Hindus to attain God: meditation.

     The Islam religion is also one of the greatest religions which can help a human being to attain God Almighty known as Allah. The technique used by them: Namaaz. They have to become prophets (i.e. to get their self-realization). Muslim means a saint who is surrendered to God Almighty. The great Prophet Mohammed introduced this great technique of doing Namaz which helps a person to attain self-realization and also to become a Prophet.

 The next one is Christianity. In Christianity the main aim is to get baptized (to get self-realization). To become a twice born is the symbol of the Easter eggs that are being distributed by the Christians. It is also known that only a Baptized person can baptize another person by purifying him through Baptism which was also done to Lord Jesus Christ by John the Baptist.

     The aim of Buddhism: know thy self: which means- attain your self-realization. This is also the aim of the Jains and most of the widely spread religions of the whole world. To spread Divine love has also been the messages of all these religions. But, what is self-realization, what is its significance and how do you know that you have attained your self-realization.

     The answer to the above question also lies in the religions. The same Divine cool breeze is known by many names in different religions. In Bible it is the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, in Islam it is called as Ruh (Prophet Muhammad had actually said that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak, this also refers to the flow of the cool breeze in our hands), in Hindu religion it is called Sallelam Saleelam by Adi Shankaracharya, it is also called as Chaitanya Lahari, Ritumbhara Prgnya, etc. Gnyan as in Buddhism also refers to knowing thy self on the tip of thy fingers.

     If this is the resurrection time the comforter must have had already come. Till date I found only Sahaja Yoga promising the Divine Cool breeze. Sahaja Yoga was founded by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. It respects all the religions on earth as they are absolute truth and nothing else. Many people of all religions have go their self-realization through Sahaja Yoga. The best part: they do not convert you, they  just give you your self-realization. Self-realization can be obtained through all the above mentioned religions, but, the process is slow. Sahaja Yoga spontaneously gives you your realization and the quality of the people called as Sahaja Yogis also promises the fact that they are real Prophets who are busy transforming the whole world and making them as Prophets too. Sahaja Yoga is free: so they cannot mesmerize you for anything whatsoever. They are chaste and pure people and very loveable. Just go to and enter the experience it now section. I am sure you will feel the cool breeze on your hands or on top of your head.

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