7th Sense Movie Review

7th Sense basically revolves around a basic concept of spirituality which makes complete sense. The movie has two different aspects. In the first part there is a very cool spiritual seeker Surya who accepts Buddha and does austere penances to get certain spiritual powers with which he can cure people and do martial art which is difficult to explain.

The second part of 7th sense has another Surya who is the modern generation youth and whose DNA approximately matches with the DNA of the previous Surya. Later on 7th Sense is more about Shruti Hassan and her research on Bodhi Dharma. The film has brought genetics into play and tries to explain the ABCD of genetics to the common man.

7th Sense has a superb beginning and a fantastic ending. All that is in between is just to keep the film going. But the beginning is so tempting that you should watch this film at least to take a glimpse of the spiritual geek Surya in the first half. History has it that there had been a few such Gurus in the ancient past but they never left their work behind because they did not want it to fall into wrong hands.

Overall 7th sense is an OK kind of movie. It is the beginning and the last fight which are very interesting. You will see flying cars and hypnotism in the film which makes the film interesting and the villain very very dangerous. 7th sense did not disappoint me. Shruthi Hassan has done her best and will not disappoint her father and the audience in the theater. 7th sense is at least a lot more better than Ra.One which looks like a movie made just because it was supposed to be made.

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