Global Warming and Green House Effect

Global warming and green house effect are two sides of the same coin. In fact it is an increased Green House Effect which is causing Global warming. But first let us take a look at what Global Warming and Green House Effect are.

“An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes)” is called as global warming. And “Warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere; caused by atmospheric gases that allow sunshine to pass through but absorb heat that is radiated back from the warmed surface of the earth” is called green house effect. There are many beautiful diagrams regarding these two topics that will pop up in the first few pages of Google. But my study is different. My readers will know a few things more than what these diagrams will show.

Let us now take a look at the conventional energy sources and a recent survey which will elaborate my point.

Let's look at China and the U.S. The Union of Concerned Scientists web site shows that, in 2006 the U.S. emitted 5902.75 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, while China emitted 6017.69 million metric tons. For the U.S., this is 19.78 metric tons per capita, while for China it's 4.58 metric tons. That makes us four times as bad, right?

This is what the developed countries are doing. A recent survey also showed that, if all the vehicles will move at a speed of 50 kmph, most of the pollution problems can be solved. What this actually means is that too much of fuel is simply wasted because of the inefficient traffic systems and narrow roads in some cases. But building flyovers is no easy job. And the amount of money put into these projects is so huge that it sometimes seems to be a waste to create flyovers. The ultimate result is: more Co2 and CO emission which leads to more pollution which leads to Green House Effect and this ultimately leads to Global Warming.

I personally think that these advanced people are the ones who will have to pay for what they have done till today. But it is observed that the fuel consumption in these countries is constantly increasing. Recent estimates have shown that the fuel under the earth’s crust will be completely extinguished by the end of 2050.the river Ganga of India is said to become dry that time which I know will not happen but it seems that some day mother nature will make man pay for his horrid deeds. We are killing our very own mother earth. If at all there will be any 2012 disaster the first victims of Mother Nature will be these people dwelling in the developed countries. But is there any way that we can actually control the Global warming?

If you do not know the result of Global warming, then let me tell you: due to global warming and Green house effect, the ice at the poles is melting and thus the water level in the oceans is increasing. Scientists have not yet discovered this but the melting of ice will actually cause a very high pressure to be imparted onto the earths crust. This in turn is going to make the earth’s surface unstable and prone to earthquakes and in worse cases: Tsunami’s. This is what God has to tell to the humans by showing him films like 2012. The sudden disaster is definitely untrue but I have recently found that gradually the condition of man kind will become so worse that humans will start killing each other in search of food. And these words are really true. I will post the article as quickly as possible, but, presently let us take a look at how we the humans can avoid the greatest disasters by showing our care to our beloved mother earth. The plan is quite simple, stop buying new vehicles and utilize the existing transport facility of buses and trains as far as possible. If you are going for a job, you will find that the above simple solution will keep you quite fresh while going to office. But it will definitely reduce the strain of driving a vehicle after finishing your job. Fighting your way through the traffic in a metropolitan city is a great headache and adds to your stress levels if you find yourself stuck in the middle of a traffic jam. Transport is quite cheap if you use these resources. Try to walk when the distances are walk able. If you start walking you will find that you will not need the Gym anymore! The ozone layer has already made the earth much exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun. The polluted gases emitted by the vehicles trap the suns rays and keep the atmosphere hotter than usual. We are also seeing issues like acid rains corroding the walls of our famous monuments. The earth can be saved provided we humans walk on the safer path shown to us by the nature. Many trees are being cut down to resurrect a building or house, but, nobody cares to plant a tree whenever he cuts one down. a day will definitely come when every man will start planting trees to escape from the dangerous clutches of mother nature.

Try your level best to keep our planet clean and healthy. Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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