Diabetes And Its Cure

How is Diabetes caused and how can it be cured: Before knowing this let us know what diabetes actually is. "Diabetes (often referred to as Diabetes Mellitus in the medical sciences) is a condition in which glucose is excreted along with urine, and is also characterized by hypo secretion (low secretion) of insulin which leads to an increase in the blood sugar level."

Diabetes is caused when either of the following conditions hold true:

• Lack of insulin secretion.
• Inadequate amount of insulin is secreted by the pancreas.
• Adequate amount of insulin is secreted, but is not utilized by the cells properly.

There are two major types of Diabetes Mellitus: Type-1 diabetes (also called as juvenile onset diabetes or Insulin dependent diabetes), and, Type-2 Diabetes (also called as non-insulin dependent diabetes).

Role of insulin in blood glucose level regulation and causing Diabetes: Glucagon and insulin are secreted by the alpha and beta cells of the pancreas. Whenever the blood glucose level decreases Glucagon is increased whereas when blood glucose level increases insulin is increased. Of these two, when insulin is secreted by the pancreas, the glucose in the blood becomes free to enter into the cells of our body, where it can be converted into energy or stored in the form of fats. In other words we can say that insulin is the gates pass for the insulin to enter into our cells. On the other hand glucagon stimulates the lever to release glucose which is stored in the form of fats inside our body in case the blood glucose level of our body goes down. And this is how we become thin when we fast. The stored fats inside our body are broken down into glucose which upon the secretion of insulin, enter our body cells thus giving us sufficient energy to do our daily activities.

In diabetes the insulin secretion either stops completely or partially. In some cases, even if adequate amount of insulin is created, the cells do not respond to it properly. In other words even if the insulin is created in sufficient amounts by the pancreas, the body cells fail to utilize them properly. Hence the body cells do not get the required amount of glucose to burn for getting adequate energy. And this is why many diabetes patients become quickly tired if they do not take a regular shot of insulin. As the glucose cannot enter the body cells due to lack of insulin secretions, the glucose builds up inside the blood and flows out through the urine.

It was quite surprising to hear about the exact cause of Diabetes from H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga. According to her, the liver (referred to as right Swadhishthan Chakra in Sahaja Yoga) has many functions. Of these, the two main functions are: supplying fat cells to the brain and taking care of the digestive system (which is its main function). When a person thinks too much and plans a lot about the future, the liver does the function of supplying the necessary fat cells to the hectic brain. If the person keeps on thinking a lot, the liver continuously supplies fat cells to the brain and temporarily halts all other necessary functions. If this state continues for a longer time, the pancreas fail and permanently stop working or work ineffectively. And thus diabetes is caused. She also denies the myth that too much of sugar eating causes diabetes. She says that in India there are a few farmers who do not drink tea if the spoon does not stand at right angles when sugar is put into their tea! And even after drinking so much tea, these farmers never get affected by diabetes. The reason is because they toil hard and do not bother about their future life like the busy city man. It was really surprising to see how a Gurui of ancient thoughts who has studied medical sciences came upon such a wonderful answer even without a microscope or a lab of any sort. She has done no research on this and yet knows a few facts which even the greatest of all scientists do not know. Some scientists stood dumb when they heard about the natural processes that She explained as it occurs in the living beings. She not only answered their doubts but also explained them a few more things which they were unaware of even after doing nearly seven years of research on the respective topics.

Symptoms and effects of Diabetes: People suffering from Diabetes have very weak eye sights. This happens because the retina becomes weak and hence the image perception is not perfect. They become tired very quickly due to lack of energy. The food consumed is not properly utilized by the body. They get digestion problems. More than 90% of Americans suffer from type-2 diabetes. It is found that people suffering from type-2 diabetes are very obese. Hence, obesity is considered to be very dangerous to health. The worse thing about Diabetic patients is that their feet become partially or completely senseless. They wont shout even if you cut their feet, or, in some cases even if you set them on fire. Diabetes patients are advised to take special care of their feet as it does not heal properly. The chances of getting septic feet are very high among diabetic patients. The worst part is: it does not heal quickly.

Precautions to avoid severe Health problems occurring due to Diabetes: In adverse conditions, a diabetes patient may die due to diabetic coma. During their last days diabetic patients become completely blind. Their kidneys stop working. They also suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure). Hence proper care should be taken and one should go to the doctor at least once in a month in order to check his/her blood glucose level if he/she is a diabetic patient. Avoid eating sweets under any circumstances. If at all you eat it, take a higher shot of insulin (slightly more than you usually do). Always keep a chocolate with yourself. Sometimes if you eat less and take a higher dose of insulin, your blood glucose level might suddenly become low and you may feel as if you are starved to death. In order to avoid such a condition, always keep a few chocolates with yourself. Whenever you feel starved out take a small dose of chocolate till you feel better. Always keep a diary or a purse and fill the personal memoranda form. Make sure to state that you are a diabetic patient inside this form. Also write down the name and phone numbers of your family members so that people will be able to contact them, in case any accident occurs to you. This will help the doctor to treat you properly without using much glucose through which certain drugs are injected into the body. Always make it a point to tell the doctor that you are a diabetes patient whenever he gives you a glucose dose.

Take care have a nice day. Please leave comments if you want to share something.

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