Prevent Bad Breath | Halitosis

    Many people suffering from bad breath problems (Halitosis) have no idea that they have a smelling mouth unless somebody informs them.

    Chronic Halitosis is a condition in which a person produces a very bad and offensive odour from his/her oral/nasal regions. The most commonly found morning breath that most people experience is not true Halitosis. There is no age, sex, race or socio-economic boundary when it comes to halitosis.

    Causes: On an average, every person has nearly around 800 types of bacteria in his/her mouth. Of these, certain types of bacteria promote bad breath by first and foremost breaking down the leftover proteins from the food particles, dead cells and mucous into amino acids. In order to extract energy from these amino acids, the bacteria further dissect these molecules, thus causing them to release volatile Sulphuric gases. In actual it is not the bacteria which emits foul odour, instead it is the reaction between the food eaten and the oral bacteria that sets it off.

    Though our saliva serves as a natural mouthwash, it is not produced in sufficient quantity while we are sleeping. Hence you get a bad breath the moment you wake up. Medication can also be held responsible for promoting bad breath (Halitosis). Antidepressants, antihistamines as well as painkillers can trigger the possibilities of giving you a dry mouth as a side effect.

    Medical reasons for getting bad breath (Halitosis): Problems like sinus infections/abnormalities, tonsil infection/tonsillitis, lung diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, blood disorders, diabetes, gall bladder dysfunction, menstruation and carcinomas can also trigger the chances of getting a bad breath (Halitosis).

    Dental reasons for getting bad breath (Halitosis): Extensive dental decay, periodontal gum disease, oral infection or abscesses, oral cancers, xerostomia (dry mouth conditions), oral conditions resulting from post nasal drips or discharges, allergy conditions and a proliferation of specific types of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria are also among the list of causes of bad breath (Halitosis).

    Symptoms of Bad Breath (Halitosis): A white or yellow film on the tongue, dry mouth, bitter, sour, or metallic tastes, post nasal drainage, white nodules on the tonsils are the general symptoms.

    Home Remedies:
1. Brush with baking soda to reduce the acidity in the mouth.
2. Brush and rinse using Hydrogen Peroxide when you don’t have upper respiratory infections. But do not swallow it under any circumstances.
3. Gargle with lukewarm salt water.
4. Avoid eating foods with refined carbohydrates and sugars like cookies, sweets, cakes, carbonated soft drinks, ice-creams and syrups.
5. Drink sufficient amount of water (at least 6 to 8 glasses) everyday.
6. Brush teeth two times a day (especially before going to bed).
7. Mix a teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds to a litre of water, simmer for 15 minutes, strain and drink as tea.
8. Exercise and eat fibre rich food in order to prevent constipation.
9. Chew unripe guava fruit or its tender leaves. This prevents bad breath (Halitosis) and gum bleeding.
10. Eat avocado to prevent decomposition of the intestines.

1. Brush your teeth and floss regularly. When cleaning your mouth pay special attention to the back of your tongue. Brush or else use a tongue scrapper as far back as you can.
2. Use a mouth wash at night. Rinsing at night prepares you for a fresher-smelling morning.
3. Drinking water throughout the day washes away bacteria and other particles which promotes Halitosis.
4. If none of the above remedies work pay a visit to your nearest dentist.

         Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!

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