How To Study?

    Many of us are always stuck in the thought of “how to study?”. The reason is, because, whatever we do, we do not see a hike in our annual statistics. Read on to know the best ways of studying which can make your percentage shoot off through the roof of your college (or school) and make your principal wonder as to what makes this student so indigenously genuine!

    The reason why many a students do not get a lively marks card which shows their real face to the world is because they do not follow procedure. I have seen the sharpest of all students failing in their exams and I have also seen the dumbest of all students topping the class with excellent marks. Did you know that there are many students in the crowd who go to the extent of even “memorizing math”? You might not believe this but I have seen the greatest of all dummies getting decent marks in Engineering Mathematics by memorizing the subject!!!!!!

    Why is it that the greatest of all mathematicians failed in Mathematics during their school/college days? The reason is: they did not follow procedure. What procedure? I will get to that later while telling about math related subjects. First let us take a look at the different types of subjects that we generally deal with: ‘theory subjects’ and ‘problematic subjects’. The way of dealing with either of the categories is different. You cannot study both of them by following the same procedure. Remember? This is the reason why students who are good at math are worse at theory subjects and vice-versa. Now, let us take a deeper dive into the topic at hand.

    First let me tell you how to deal with the theory subjects. Why is it that the students who are good at math fail to perform well in their theory subjects? The reason is because the content is long. And students who are math oriented cannot concentrate on reading large topics for long hours. Students who are good at theory subjects are the ones who are good readers. That is, they are the ones whose heads are always found to be dug deep into the world of novels. They just like reading things continuously without the headache of taking a pen and paper and writing down the most important points in order to memorize them. They read the topic once, understand it, and write things in their own way. They love subjects like Social Science and science which involves a lot of reading. But what about the math lovers, how shall they tackle with this problem? Well the theory lovers also need this piece of information, for, though they are good at the theory subjects, their scores are not so exciting. Why? Because they do not follow procedure. The procedure is as given below:

• Your mind does not understand things which are twisted or mixed up with a huge number of unwanted words.
• The mind always likes clean and easy to remember things.
• That is, you need to squash the subject at hand into a set of very few pages.
• While reading the subject, do not bother about remembering what you have read, just compress the information into a few set of pages which are very clean and easy for the mind to remember.
• Read the whole paragraph ‘as it is in the text’ and summarize it using a few keywords which you find easy to remember.
• Do this, till all that you have to study has been put in the form of a paragraph made up of a few keywords which are helpful in remembering the topic.

    If done properly even the greatest of all engineering subjects can be squashed to a mere of three to four pages of extreme important text. Remembering three to four pages of weighty text is never a hard work. Even the greatest of all beef headed guys on this earth can win things under these circumstances. After this step the next thing is to revise the compressed document at least two times. This shall make you confident enough to face your examinations bravely without the fear of losing your chance in the battlefield.

    Now let us come to the thing which troubles many a kids around the whole world. Even I was a guy who was very much afraid of math. But the day when I came up with this solution I realized how wrong I was in thinking that math is difficult. Mathematics is the simplest of all subjects on this earth. The reason why the toppers score so well in it is because they know the trick which works with this subject. Many students say that you need to work math everyday in order to improve it. But in reality math is a subject which can be learnt within a single night. All you need to do is the following:
• Prepare the key document at the beginning of the year.
• Even if all the derivations are given in the text. Write them separately in your key document.
• While writing derivations ignore the text given in the document and skip this part in your document. At times when it is very crucial to use text use a few words which describe the actions taken in that particular step.
• Doing this shall now reduce your derivation in the document to a few lines of key equations.
• No matter what happens never forget to maintain your list of formulae. This is something which helps you all the time in your examinations.
• Note down the different types of problems that can be asked from each chapter in a piece of rough paper.
• Now write down a brief procedure for solving a particular type of problem in a step-by-step manner.
• Note down such procedure for all types of problem and remember them.

    And bingo! There you go. After following the above procedure you will feel so confident that even if you attend for forty marks in the exam you will be able to bet on the fact that you will be passing your exam under any circumstances. this shall make math so easy for you that you will eventually fall in love with the subject after looking at your score.

    Ok guys. Take care and have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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