How to grow a Bonsai tree?

Did you see a tree growing at the size of a plant? That is what Bonsai art is all about. Read the following article to find out how you can grow a Bonsai tree.

Bonsai is an art of growing big trees in small pots and in small sizes. In simpler words it is the art of growing big trees like small plants. The thing which will catch you with surprise is that; a Banyan tree which is grown using Bonsai art is as small as a flowering plant but still has roots hanging down its branches which are trying to touch its toes! Thus Bonsai is not just mere gardening, but an art of growing big trees in small pots such that their heights shall not be greater than the heights of our small plants. But, the minus point is that these trees are very weak. Why? I shall tell that later. Let us now focus on how Bonsai is done.

If you have taken care of a baby, then growing a Bonsai tree shall not be a problem for you. You just need to plant a tree in a small pot. But that is not all. The real work starts here onwards. Your need to take due care of your Bonsai tree by all means and at all times. You need to water it. But, in a fixed proportion. Remember you are watering a tree which is growing at the size of a small plant. Your Bonsai tree should not be watered too much. Neither should it be watered too little. This is where the art of Bonsai lies. If a big tree is made to grow the size of a plant, how much water will it need? Remember; you are growing a “Bonsai tree” i.e. you will be able to see a small tree with a broad trunk if it is growing properly. Not just that, you will also be able to see the bark of the tree! You must be getting questions like: What does all this mean? Why grow a tree like a plant? What are the advantages?

There is one advantage. You can reduce the size of big trees and keep them in your bedroom! Trees of your choice! Trees of your size! Imagine having a Banyan tree the size of a small plant with roots hanging down its branches! Or, a tree with your favorite flower growing inside your bedroom! But, is it just about adequate watering? Not really. You need to cut its branches in such a manner that the tree grows with spreading branches. So, you need to cut it in such a manner that its branches shall grow wide and not tall. You also need to keep the size of its trunk quite low. The most important and difficult part of this art is to prune the roots of the tree! Remember, the tip of the roots have cells which have the tendency to grow at a very fast rate as compared to the other cells of the root? In order to achieve this difficult task it is required that you use suitable pots and soil. There are special pots that are made for the cultivation of Bonsai trees. These pots are quite shallow. If they are deep they employ unlockable doors which make it easier for you to reach the roots by just opening either of the four doors with which the pot is made (open the doors one at a time). The other pots are quite shallow. The water used for cultivating Bonsai trees should also be porous so that they can drain the excessive water. Excess of water will rotten the roots of your plant which is an undesired phenomenon. The water should not be logging hence a very porous type of soil is brought into play. It is sometimes made with husk, but Bonsai professionals employ a whole different proportion of mixtures. I anyhow exercised a different trick. I brought some clay and filtered it using an ordinary mesh which can filter off fine grains. I used the filtered off grains in the pot and it worked the trick! I put a little soil now and then as the soil can keep the roots wet for some time. The tree can be easily plucked for pruning its roots.

The next thing is to add a little bit of salt and other nutrients that are required by your tree to grow strong. This seems difficult doesn’t it? That is why growing such trees, is called as Bonsai art as it requires adequate skill to make big trees grow in a small pot according to the proportions defined by you. But if you are working in the house all day long you can grow a Bonsai tree as a hobby. You can make it your favorite hobby too!

The Bonsai tree will give a very different touch to the interior decoration of your house. One such tree in the hall will make everybody adore your art. As also, according to Feng Shui keeping Chi (earth) in your house is a good way for balancing the various elements with which the matter of your house is made. So it also comes with the benefit of having more vibrations in your house which will increase your luck! What more reasons do you need to get started with this art? Choose the plant that you want to grow and get going.

Trying Bonsai art is a real fun. But as nature has it; every art is a bit difficult to carry out. With practice you will get familiar with this art. If you want to see Bonsai trees the pictures shall be available on the internet. So what are you waiting for? Get started and don’t forget to leave your experience behind in the comments section. Have a cool day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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