How To Get Rid Of Body Odor Without Using Deodorant

Body odor at times can make us feel extremely embarrassed especially if we are to lift our hands in the middle of a huge crowd while travelling in a public transport. it makes it difficult for us to get closer to people. Smelly armpits are a bane and getting rid of them seems to be an impossible task no matter which soap you use.

Without getting into why we get the odor let us head straight to the solution part: getting rid of body odor without using any deodorant:

  1. Having armpit hair makes us sweat a lot. It is this sweat that smells like hell. So shave your armpit hair as often as possible.
  2. Body odor can be avoided if we can keep our armpits dry. It is a much better solution to apply a good fragrant talcum powder to your armpits than applying a deodorant with plenty of harmful chemicals.
  3. Do not forget to wear a banyan. A banyan always helps us stay dry thus reducing our body odor.
  4. Use cotton clothes if possible. Silk is also good and keeps us dry. Both these clothes can absorb sweat easily and keep us odor free.
  5. Arms should always be held free and not too close to the body.If your arms are too close to the body there will be no air circulating in the armpits and you will start seating and developing body odor.
  6. It is obvious that we do not like using deodorants but there are instances when body odor cannot be avoided. If it happens in a party then things become too embarrassing. Hence, when going to important meetings always remember to sprinkle some scent to the shirt near the underarm area.
  7. Stay away from people and crowd. The more you stick to people the more you sweat and the more you sweat the worse will your body odor be.
  8. Bathe regularly. This is a definite reason why many people develop body odor and still they neglect it. Remember, we need to stay in the society. And for staying in the society we need to live like clean and tidy people.
  9. Use a good anti-septic soap rather than using a cosmetic fragrant soap. Bacteria is also a major cause why the armpits smell full of nasty body odor.
  10. Drink lots of water to make sure that the toxins in our body pass away through urine. Eat healthy food majorly rich in proteins. Have a healthy balanced diet and eat carbohydrates and proteins topped up with fruits and good salads.
Body odor can be got rid of with very simple and natural techniques. Stop buying costly deodorants full of chemicals which are harmful when used for a long time. Stay fit and healthy and say good bye to body odor and deodorants.

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