Music-The Paradise Of Modern Times

We hear so many songs everyday, but, do you know what really makes them so melodious and juicy? Even in these modern times there are so many people who are interested in music. Technology has no wonder made Pop music and also the movies much smarter and much advanced than before. It is the modern cool musicians who add spice to this juicy dish with their plethora of musical instruments. Read on to unbox a few facts related with this great skill.

We all listen to so many songs everyday. But, we do not bother to know about the pains taken to write these songs, and neither do we bother to know about the magician who makes the song so beautiful with his genuine skills and imagination. The singers have only one job to do- sing as the musician says. The real creative work is actually done by this great magician of music who makes even the simplest of all songs seem so melodious and sweet with the magic of his musical instruments. Music is divine.

But, do the rockers of the modern technical day have that punch in their music so as to beat the musicians of the past era. As for my part, I deny it. The power of music as witnessed by the ancient people is just amazing. If somebody would ask me- what is paradise I would undoubtedly say -it is music. There is a lot of difference between music and noise. Somebody has said that music is something which when played should not even disturb the animals in the surroundings. And anything which irritates a person’s mind is called as noise. The second part is true but the former one- not really! The fact is that anything which is very subtle and very sweet to hear is called as music. And anything which makes the birds and the animals around your area to run away is called as noise. Music is something which soothes your mind and removes any kind of depression within you the very moment you hear it. That is why, it has been found out that during ancient times whenever a great singer would sing, the animals and birds of the surrounding would come rushing towards him in order to listen to his songs. We will speak about this in more detail in the upcoming context.

The greatest of all musicians I think was Beethoven. Even today his symphony sends us to paradise for a few moments. He was a musician who created and played music at the spiritual level. We all know about his story. He created the greatest melodies of his lifetime when he had become deaf. The fact was that ‘Beethoven could actually listen to the music through his head’. And undoubtedly it was his pure desire to create music which gifted him with this sixth sense to create music. I cannot speak muck about him for I have not seen him. But surely he was a musician having unbelievably high abilities in music creation. And of course not to forget Mozart.

A musician actually has to know every musical instrument and the type of sound produced by it in order to prove himself as a good musician. Music is a very vast field and in order to be a very good musician you need to be at least a jack of all the instruments. But if you want to be an excellent performer like A.R.Rehman you need to be a master of all these instruments. This does sound difficult, but in actual practice is a lot more difficult than this. Just try to put yourself into a situation where there are nearly about fifty expert musicians around you and are waiting for your command to start moving their fingers on their musical wands. All their music has to be synced together in order to obtain the perfect sound which you had imagined of. This undoubtedly requires a lot of practice and also a very high determination. Because in this field the jack of all trades never wins, instead, it is the master of all trades who cuts through. If you need to know how much determination is required in order to learn this commendable skill, just spend a few hours looking at how the Oscar winning musician A.R.Rahman spends his time trying to create music. His work starts at around ten o clock during the night and ends at around twelve o clock in the morning. So how does it sound? Really cool, doesn’t it? And the money feedback they get is also not so great for the tremendous amount of effort they put into it. This field tests your patience a lot, because, during video recording, the shot can be broken into smaller parts and the shoot can be finished without much effort, but, a song is a continuous take. So if even one single instrument loses the rhythm or rhyme, the whole thing has to start right from where it had begun.

Whatever be the pain taken in order to create the song, but, the result which you achieve afterwards makes you feel that it is just worth the effort. The above words definitely make us feel that the job of a musician is a huge headache. But ever go and ask a musician and he will reply saying “to me it isn’t a pain. I just enjoy creating music”. The reason why the musicians do not feel that their job is a nuisance is because they get completely absorbed into the mood of tweaking the existing tones in order to get the perfect blend among the tones. They become completely thoughtless during this process and sometimes do not even feel physical pains (such as back pain or eye irritation) or hunger alarms because of their keen interest in getting the tones right. They spend hours together in front of the computer listening to the recorded tune and tweaking it. Thus it can be said that “to an artist the real target is to improve his/her art and yield the best possible performance”. A true artist demands nothing more than a few words of praise for his piece of art. But what do we give instead: criticism. Whatever good thing is created by an artist is sure to have criticism. The criticizers should think as to how they will feel when they create something with extreme love and passion and someone suddenly jumps in and says that his art is anti-religious or anti-society. I agree that there are some people out there in the crowd who create really very horrible stuff which poses a threat to the ethics of the society. But now the days are such that the artists have stopped creating masterpieces because they are absolutely fed up of the critics.

Now the condition is such that the critics are criticizing the critics because all the artistes have stopped creating art.
Trust me, those who criticize, are the ones who really do not know even a pinch about the art which they are criticizing. The reason why they criticize is to get noticed. Criticizers are people who have no ethics, but, want to make their significance in the society as a genuinely talented person who thinks in a very different manner and lays down his ideas in a very eloquent manner. These people do not know the pains taken by the artistes in creating these things. If they would know it, they would think a hundred times before criticizing anybody else’s work. Read the following paragraph which tells the story of a very famous western sculptor who is recalled even today for the great masterpieces he had created during his time.
Once Michelangelo had carved a very beautiful statue of Saint David. And finally the day arrived when the statue had to be disclosed to everybody. The moment the statue was disclosed somebody pointed out: everything is fine, but still, I think that the nose of the statue requires a little amendment. Everybody knew that the nose was perfect but the king still insisted that the nose be tweaked a little bit. The great sculptor understood the situation at hand and quickly took a chisel, a hammer and some dust which was lying on the ground. He went to the statue and acted as if he were shaping the nose of the statue. After finishing the job he turned back and the king replied: Now the statue is perfect. I knew that the nose was a little crooked.
See? That’s what the critics do. Even when everything is fine they insist that something is wrong and leave behind a suggestion which can only destroy the beauty of that art. The musicians have to face all these problems during their journey through the creative life. You might be thinking that the above story ran a bit out of the point. But it did not. Even today many a singers who prepare good compositions get a lot of abuses over the internet regarding the social issues that are being created due to their songs.

Believe it or not, in Karnataka when Sonu Nigam sang a few songs for a very successful film called as Mungaru Maley, the local singers criticized the director because he had paid Sonu with an exceedingly high amount. They said that this act made the Karnataka singers feel disheartened because a non-kannadiga was paid with a sum which was much higher than that paid to most of the local Kannadiga singers. But nobody came forward and said that the amount paid was worth the quality of the songs sung by Sonu.

These things made me write about such horrible people who are all around the place trying to pull the legs of the most successful artistes. This is basically a very cheap behavior. Artistes have to be praised for what they give to us because the main intention in the mind of an artiste is to get public satisfaction and praise. Those beautiful throats and instruments are toiling so hard just because they want to please you who are sitting out there in the crowds. So, enjoy good music and have a cool day !!!!!

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