Yoga- the dissolver of tummies

Read further to explore the recent surveys which claim that yoga can trigger mindful eating which is helpful in avoiding a fat stomach.

A new study has revealed that regular yoga practice promotes mindful. And it is a matter of fact, as we all know, that those who eat mindfully are less likely to become fat. What is mindful eating? It is a state of mind where we have our complete attention towards our stomach. So if our stomach is full, we feel it and stop eating. Now let us plunge a bit more deeply into this topic.
The study led by Dr Alan Kristal, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, showed that regular yoga practice may help prevent middle-age tummies in normal weight people and also reduce the tummies of over-weight people.
The researchers suspected that the weight loss effect is due to sensitivity towards hunger and satiety i.e. if your stomach is full you get to know that you are satisfied and you stop eating. This is quite uncommon among young people. They eat and eat with no attention towards, what they are eating, and how much they are eating. You might be surprised to know that the workers who do heavy physical activities at the building construction sites eat just as much as is necessary for them. All they eat is some 300-400 grams of food as compared to the non-stop eating of the present day generation. Chats are actually a place where such behavior of youngsters is clearly visible. I will speak about this later.
Doctor Kristal further said, “In our earlier study, we found that middle-age people who practice yoga gained less weight over a ten year period than those who did not.” Again he has stressed the same point that there is mindless eating found in the youth who do not practice yoga. So, the key point is that we should have attention towards our eating habits and eat just as much as is necessary to fill our stomachs. Later he added that, “This was independent of physical activity and dietary patterns. We hypothesized mindfulness (a skill learned either directly or indirectly through yoga) could affect eating behavior.”
Psychology has actually revealed that there are certain people who eat out of anxiety, anger or even depression. Now let me continue the chat topic that I had left in the previous paragraph. It is found that if we like something we eat it continuously till we are filled upto the brim. This is a very bad habit. It is a fact known to many, that some blank space in the stomach is necessary for the process of digestion. So if we fill ourselves completely upto the brim the food will not be digested properly. So take care that you have some space left in your stomach after drinking water. This is the secret of the perfect diet and digestion. But eating too less is also not good. It will give you a very weak physique which will definitely not be admired by many. Your physique should be such that your clothes seem to be filled with your body. Or else you will resemble a skeleton covered with a few pieces of cloth. So take care of your diet and eat mindfully. And never gobble the food hastily. This is also a very bad habit. Take care.
Have a nice day !!!!!!!!!!!!

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