Study Table

If you are a student you must have a study table. But any table does not make for a good study table. There has to be a certain chair-and-table combination for a good study table which shall keep you comfortable enough to study for at least five hours.

Usually a study table has to match you height perfectly. But, it is not the table which should be adjusted. It is the chair which has to be adjusted. A proper chair can make you feel really very comfortable while studying. In fact you feel so comfortable that you do not get stressed out so easily and hence you manage to study for a very long time. Studying on a study table is a good manner.

A study table is your professional desk. It has to neat and tidy. No throwing books here and there on the study table. Only those books which are to be read are to be kept on the study table. Unnecessary books on the table simply confuse your mind and steal your concentration. In order to have a peaceful and concentrated study do not keep anything around which will distract you while you are studying. No wallpapers on the study table please!

A good study table should have easily gliding doors and drawers which can hold your books in one place. The doors should also have a lock installed. In mere future you will be using this same table for keeping your private business documents. The study table should always face the direction from where the sunrays enter the room. This has a huge significance in the performance of a student in his curriculum. An open window or a door nearest to the north-east corner is always best as it helps the positive energies to flow inside the room (never block the north and east direction completely with walls). At least one opening in the north or east direction is good for the students to study. The study table can be preferably kept on the opposite side of the window where sufficient light illuminates the room.

Always have a table lamp along with a study table. In case it is late in the night and you need to do some work without disturbing the others with a very bright light you can use the table lamp. Also it is advised by the doctors to use a Direct source of light while studying. Thus a study lamp with as incandescent lamp will do the trick for you. Never study too much under a diffused light source. It might be pleasing to have such a light in the study room, but, it is not meant for studying purposes.

Always buy an adjustable chair with wheels fixed at the bottom. This will make you comfortable as you will be able to adjust the height of the wheel chair as per your convenience. In fact a proper chair is the sweet spot of a perfect study table. Make sure that the chair is extremely comfortable for it is the key thing which will help you study for a very long time.

If you are interested you may have a money plant in your room. It does not require much water and also adds the touch of nature to the study room. A tissue paper is not much mandatory, but having one makes you feel comfortable and you can instantly clean the study table if something falls on it. It is mandatory to keep a separate cloth for cleaning your study table. Cleaning the study table before starting your work is a sign of good discipline.

Cover your study table with a fine leather cloth or a sheet of glass. Covering a study table with a cloth is not appreciable as you will not be able to clean it if a bottle of ink becomes nasty enough to spread its ink on the whole table surface. If you can afford, have a separate table for keeping your personal computer. A computer table should be comfortable for working with computers while a study table should be comfortable enough for long hours studying.

The surface of the study table should be at least two to three inches below your eye position (you may adjust this according to your convenience). You eyes should feel very comfortable while you are studying on your study table.

Do these amendments to your study table and you will be able to concentrate well on your work and study consistently for a longer time.

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