Is it possible to curb corruption from India? Can one Anna Hazare and his Jan Lokpal Bill make much difference in the way things work in India? Many people say no to both the above questions. But, I say yes. Let us not forget that we live in a land where morality is held at a very high position. Morality cannot be taught, it has to be imbibed. It is absolutely possible to build a corruption-free India and today we will speak of the various ways through which we, the youth, can make India a better corruption free country.
We all know how many alcohol bottles are unloaded during election times for winning the elections. Fact is fact and we know it very well. This is the first sign of corruption entering into the nation. We the people have made ourselves so cheap that we get our country sold for a bottle of alcohol! What we do not see is: for every bottle of alcohol they get thousands of such bottles once they get into power. Next greatest thing which has troubled India is the shocking Swiss bank account statements. The reason of poverty in every nation is simple: rich keeps on getting richer and poor keeps on getting poorer. We never realize that we the middle-men are paying for every Rupee a politician eats. When I see Indian politics I see only robbers sitting on the top thrones. I do not name anybody in particular but all in general. There is not a single politician like Lal Bahaddur Shastri in the present day Indian politics.
Corruption can be curbed if the normal man becomes sensitive. Politicians robbing the country has become a everyday news of our daily life. The news of corruption has become so casual that everyone takes corruption for granted. When Dharma gets established it becomes difficult for corruption to survive. When the feeling of patriotism rises a Mahatma is born in every person. And when the nation is completely filled with such Mahatmas corruption finds it difficult to survive. People think that it is impossible to kill corruption but I will convince everyone by the end of this article that corruption can be completely stopped.
The higher chairs of Indian politics are always occupied by people of power. As a general thumb rule a person with power always strives for getting more powerful. The wants of a person are never satisfied. Let us say that there is a politician who has 10Crore Rupees in his Bank. When he sees that others have looted much more money than him, the feeling of jealousy comes up and in order to satisfy his ego he will eat more money. The most interesting thing is: he does not use any of this money for his family. This is the money which comes from politics and goes again to politics when the next election comes. A politician thinks that he is trying to make his future secure. But, the future of a corrupt Politician is never secure. The thought of corruption and fear of getting exposed are always eating up his brain. A politician has so much of external security with him but internally he is never much secure. I would salute the Politician who will take the first bold step and remove all the money from his Swiss Bank account and give it back to the Nation.
There is one more thing which has boosted corruption: all good politicians are killed by the terrorists. It is better to die like a good politician than to die like a corrupt politician. When money plays its role people never think about spirituality. We live on this earth. When we die we live in some other world. If we are righteous on Earth we will have to face hard times on Earth as long as we live is always true. If we are not righteous we enjoy as long as we are on Earth and both the above facts are completely true. But, what after death? When a person knows about hell and the tortures of Hell believe me no man on Earth will ever think of doing one single sin. The wrath of God helps us to face our mistakes and correct them. The one who is righteous and who suffers on Earth is said to get all the pleasures of Heaven in his after-life.
One of the greatest ways for curbing corruption is the inner-transformation. We have to respect the fact that evolution does not happen all by itself. The theory of relativity did not just evolve. It was in existence since a very long time. A person desperately searched for its facts and the day when he became completely tired and was bathing in a tub without thinking about anything, the Theory of Relativity flashed in his head from the Torsion area. Who gives us this thinking? Humans have understood everything about Science but they have not understood the 'how' part of birth and death. For killing corruption it is very important for a person to know that money is not at all necessary to live a happy life. People who have gathered hell a lot of money never find peace in their life. The joy of having lot of money only comes when it is evenly distributed. Else, a rich man is always afraid of someone coming and robbing all his money.
With inner transformation only people will understand that money is a very small part of life. As Buddha says: "When you know Thy Self, you will get immersed in joy and happiness. When your mind will be peacefully immersed in the joy of Self all other impure desires will drop out." The founder of Sahaja Yoga H.S.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states: "A big inner revolution is taking place. When people will become the Spirit they will stop doing wrong things automatically. I never tell anybody to stop drinking or smoking. Once they come to know that they are the Spirit the enlightenment comes in and people just stop doing things which are wrong. Drug addicts have overnight given away drugs, smoking, alcohol and all other things which are harmful for health." I have seen people getting transformed through Sahaja Yoga with my very own eyes.
We are living in a corrupt India but our next generation should not. 'Let us stop voting for the politicians' can never be a solution. Let the Government work like a crystal clear glass through which people can see very clearly the working of the Government. We the common man are suffering due to the corruption of the Politicians. The rate of every essential commodity is simply rising so high that people are finding it very difficult to live in this world. In order to curb corruption the Politicians will have to remember the slogan "of the people, for the people, and, by the people". Today's politics has the same mantra with the only difference that people is replaced with Politicians.
The Government should show the accounts and should also make sure that every Rupee spent on a project reaches its purpose and not the stomachs of all these hungry Politicians. The Nation should be ruled by ambitious youth, only then, youth power will make its purpose visible. The ruler of the Nation should be very simple and should have a very simple lifestyle and should earn only as much as is sufficient for a living. Till date I have seen only one such Politician and that is Lal Bahaddur Shastri. Shastriji used to get fifty Rupees for doing his duty. One day a man came and asked him for fifty Rupees and Shastriji said that he had saved no money and could not help him. Then, Shastriji's wife cam and gave Shastriji fifty Rupees to help his friend. When Shastriji cam to know that his wife used to save ten Rupees every month from his monthly salary, he went to his office and said to reduce his salary to forty Rupees per month! I am pretty sure that his wife was saving money even with that limited amount. Today I salute to that great man and pray that may such people again come to take care of India and not to rule India as the present politicians are doing. Let us all respect our freedom. Please use the comments section and do give your opinion on this subject and how corruption can be avoided and spread the link of this article throughout the internet to spread the awareness of curbing corruption in India.
We all know how many alcohol bottles are unloaded during election times for winning the elections. Fact is fact and we know it very well. This is the first sign of corruption entering into the nation. We the people have made ourselves so cheap that we get our country sold for a bottle of alcohol! What we do not see is: for every bottle of alcohol they get thousands of such bottles once they get into power. Next greatest thing which has troubled India is the shocking Swiss bank account statements. The reason of poverty in every nation is simple: rich keeps on getting richer and poor keeps on getting poorer. We never realize that we the middle-men are paying for every Rupee a politician eats. When I see Indian politics I see only robbers sitting on the top thrones. I do not name anybody in particular but all in general. There is not a single politician like Lal Bahaddur Shastri in the present day Indian politics.
Corruption can be curbed if the normal man becomes sensitive. Politicians robbing the country has become a everyday news of our daily life. The news of corruption has become so casual that everyone takes corruption for granted. When Dharma gets established it becomes difficult for corruption to survive. When the feeling of patriotism rises a Mahatma is born in every person. And when the nation is completely filled with such Mahatmas corruption finds it difficult to survive. People think that it is impossible to kill corruption but I will convince everyone by the end of this article that corruption can be completely stopped.
The higher chairs of Indian politics are always occupied by people of power. As a general thumb rule a person with power always strives for getting more powerful. The wants of a person are never satisfied. Let us say that there is a politician who has 10Crore Rupees in his Bank. When he sees that others have looted much more money than him, the feeling of jealousy comes up and in order to satisfy his ego he will eat more money. The most interesting thing is: he does not use any of this money for his family. This is the money which comes from politics and goes again to politics when the next election comes. A politician thinks that he is trying to make his future secure. But, the future of a corrupt Politician is never secure. The thought of corruption and fear of getting exposed are always eating up his brain. A politician has so much of external security with him but internally he is never much secure. I would salute the Politician who will take the first bold step and remove all the money from his Swiss Bank account and give it back to the Nation.
There is one more thing which has boosted corruption: all good politicians are killed by the terrorists. It is better to die like a good politician than to die like a corrupt politician. When money plays its role people never think about spirituality. We live on this earth. When we die we live in some other world. If we are righteous on Earth we will have to face hard times on Earth as long as we live is always true. If we are not righteous we enjoy as long as we are on Earth and both the above facts are completely true. But, what after death? When a person knows about hell and the tortures of Hell believe me no man on Earth will ever think of doing one single sin. The wrath of God helps us to face our mistakes and correct them. The one who is righteous and who suffers on Earth is said to get all the pleasures of Heaven in his after-life.
One of the greatest ways for curbing corruption is the inner-transformation. We have to respect the fact that evolution does not happen all by itself. The theory of relativity did not just evolve. It was in existence since a very long time. A person desperately searched for its facts and the day when he became completely tired and was bathing in a tub without thinking about anything, the Theory of Relativity flashed in his head from the Torsion area. Who gives us this thinking? Humans have understood everything about Science but they have not understood the 'how' part of birth and death. For killing corruption it is very important for a person to know that money is not at all necessary to live a happy life. People who have gathered hell a lot of money never find peace in their life. The joy of having lot of money only comes when it is evenly distributed. Else, a rich man is always afraid of someone coming and robbing all his money.
With inner transformation only people will understand that money is a very small part of life. As Buddha says: "When you know Thy Self, you will get immersed in joy and happiness. When your mind will be peacefully immersed in the joy of Self all other impure desires will drop out." The founder of Sahaja Yoga H.S.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states: "A big inner revolution is taking place. When people will become the Spirit they will stop doing wrong things automatically. I never tell anybody to stop drinking or smoking. Once they come to know that they are the Spirit the enlightenment comes in and people just stop doing things which are wrong. Drug addicts have overnight given away drugs, smoking, alcohol and all other things which are harmful for health." I have seen people getting transformed through Sahaja Yoga with my very own eyes.
We are living in a corrupt India but our next generation should not. 'Let us stop voting for the politicians' can never be a solution. Let the Government work like a crystal clear glass through which people can see very clearly the working of the Government. We the common man are suffering due to the corruption of the Politicians. The rate of every essential commodity is simply rising so high that people are finding it very difficult to live in this world. In order to curb corruption the Politicians will have to remember the slogan "of the people, for the people, and, by the people". Today's politics has the same mantra with the only difference that people is replaced with Politicians.
The Government should show the accounts and should also make sure that every Rupee spent on a project reaches its purpose and not the stomachs of all these hungry Politicians. The Nation should be ruled by ambitious youth, only then, youth power will make its purpose visible. The ruler of the Nation should be very simple and should have a very simple lifestyle and should earn only as much as is sufficient for a living. Till date I have seen only one such Politician and that is Lal Bahaddur Shastri. Shastriji used to get fifty Rupees for doing his duty. One day a man came and asked him for fifty Rupees and Shastriji said that he had saved no money and could not help him. Then, Shastriji's wife cam and gave Shastriji fifty Rupees to help his friend. When Shastriji cam to know that his wife used to save ten Rupees every month from his monthly salary, he went to his office and said to reduce his salary to forty Rupees per month! I am pretty sure that his wife was saving money even with that limited amount. Today I salute to that great man and pray that may such people again come to take care of India and not to rule India as the present politicians are doing. Let us all respect our freedom. Please use the comments section and do give your opinion on this subject and how corruption can be avoided and spread the link of this article throughout the internet to spread the awareness of curbing corruption in India.