Is Hair Oil Helpful For Hairs

Time is a witness that applying hair oil is good for the hair. What are the actual advantages of applying hair oil to the hairs? Let us take a look at them closely:

The scalp should not be left dry especially if you are living in a country where there is too much of sun. The oil keeps your scalp cool and hence it is very beneficial for your hairs too.

It is found that many people in the west lose their hair very quickly because they do not apply much oil to it and regularly wash it with shampoos which are made up of very harmful chemicals.

The scalp does produce some oil no doubt but that is just for protecting itself from the harsh environment. It is also found that the oil that it produces is actually a product that comes out of the sweat glands.
Oiling the hairs and scalp also makes your head sweat a bit less than usual. The reason being, when the temperature increases the body starts to sweat. When we apply oil, the scalp is generally cool unless you go out in the wild sun with nothing to cover your hair. This heats your hairs and they start falling off.

If you are so oil sick you may apply oil to your hair at night and then wash it off early in the morning. The hair oil also serves the purpose of a good moisturizer. Oiling has many benefits and I personally think that with so many advantages to it, oiling the hair is a very important part of our daily routine. Hairs have to be taken due care of. You may keep it short but still it is necessary to keep them healthy.

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