Technology: 3D Glasses NVIDIA Geforce 3D Vision

Ever wondered what a 3D film or a 3D Game really means? What is the technology used behind this overwhelming feature? Well, you are not far away from your answers. This article will tell you in detail about all these things. So relax and explore this colorful world of extreme fun!

Recently we heard about the release of a pair of sunglasses called “NVIDIA GEFORCE 3D VISION”. But these are something more than your ordinary sunglasses. They are used for playing 3D games (as they call it). But in the actual sense, it is not a 3D game. It just shows you a 2D game in such a manner that you think that you are moving in a 3D world. So in reality it is just a gadget which fools your mind and makes you feel as if you are playing a 3D game. First let us take a look at what a 3D film or a 3D game actually means.

A 3D movie should be a movie in which the characters and the place where the shooting has taken place should be visible from all angles. Which means that nearly hundreds of photographs have to be taken for each frame and have to be projected in space in such a manner that you will be able to see anything you want from any direction you like. But the 3D films like “Chota Chetan” employ a different strategy. Here you are given a pair of sunglasses of which one glass looks bluish and the other looks reddish in color. Here two pictures of every frame are taken by your brain. Of these one is slightly bluish and the other is red in color. Now when these two extremely variant pictures are superimposed in your brain, the superimposed pictures cancel out the blue and red tinctures of each other and bring forth a little blurry sort of an image which looks like a real life 3D entity. Hence it seems as if a real 3 dimensional character is visible on the screen, which is absolutely not so true! The pair of sunglasses provided by NVIDIA also does the same job. But here, instead of using a pair of colored glasses, liquid crystals are used to do the same job. Actually, even you can produce a 3D still photograph and view it through these glasses. Just follow the following instructions in order to do the same:

• Take the photograph of a still object from two different angles (make sure that the angle between the directions from which the photographs are taken should be pretty small).

• Now copy both the images to Adobe Photoshop.

• Go to the menu of Image and hover your mouse over the Adjustments option.

• Now choose the option color balance.

• Make the color balance of any one image 100 Cyan and make the color balance of the other image set to 100% Magenta (it doesn’t truly matter as to which one is set to Cyan and which one to Magenta).

• Now overlap both the images (layers).

• Make the transparency of the top layer equal to fifty percent.

• Now wear the 3D sunglass and you will be able to see a 3D object on the display device.

The liquid crystals in the glasses are given an input through the CPU. This controls the alignment of the crystals inside the glass and brings forth a wonderful 3D image. But what is this stuff called 3D animation all about? 3D animation is actually a completely different phenomenon and is really very difficult in practice. In 3D animation, the animators develop a 3D character in a computer by joining different coordinates and thus shaping the character to get the desired looks. When the character is created, a 2D still photograph of the character is taken. And these 2D frames are collected and thrown into a powerful film editor in order to create the film. And millions of such 2D impressions of the 3D characters pass past your computer screen in order to show you the film as imagined by the director. And it is for this sole reason that so many animators are paid such a hefty fee by the film producers. This job is not a white collar job for someone who learns animation just in order to earn a high package. It needs too much of interest and necessary dedication in order to bring about the desired results as imagined by the director. There are a few more articles on this topic which have already been uploaded and a few more which are yet to be uploaded. So stay tuned and do not miss them. An article on job opportunities in this field will also be popping up on this site pretty soon. So don’t miss the fun and stay tuned.

So one thing is quite clear: “there are no 3D films anywhere as yet”. And if I am not wrong there is no 3 dimensional display unit which can show you the 3 dimensional view of any object. Maybe we will be able to see the same in the forthcoming decade. Many researches on this topic are already running and a few are claimed to be successful too. So just wait and watch for the future of 3D films. The problem actually faced in producing 3D films is the storage space that would be required in order to store these films. Storage space in terms of TB’s will be required in order to store these films. We will have to wait and see what the engineers will bring forth for us. Till then enjoy the cool pair of 3D sunglasses provided to you by NVIDIA.

Do remember one thing that these glasses are not going to work with computers of all computers. Make sure that you have the right configuration and the correct driver to run this cool gadget. And also, it is not going to support every game in your computer. It is supporting games like Batman and Crysis and the feedback is just great. And also do not forget to remember that these cool pair of glasses require you to have DX11 (DirectX11) installed on you computer.

But this has a disadvantage too! More number of frames have to be created, which means a hotter operating temperature and also a drop in the frame rate. The frame rate will be halved. You might need an extra fan or a cooler in order to ensure that your graphics card and processor are not charred to death under the hot wheels of this cutting-edge 3D technology. In short I just want to tell you that your computer needs to be a Ghost Rider in order to run this advanced technology with ease. Else, stick on with the traditional 2D screen till your computer becomes a Ghost Rider.

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