Many a people fail in their official or curricular performance due to lack in concentration. A research on the above topic led me to the following conclusions.
It is absolutely and completely possible to increase your concentration. The state of concentration is the state where you can focus on the topic on hand without getting entangled in the whirlpool of thoughts created in the mind. This topic is really very huge but I have squashed all the information and made it as simple as possible in order to save your time.
First of all there is nothing called as poor concentration. It is either concentration or no-concentration. The reason is because you cannot expect your mind to swallow half an article and reproduce the whole text. If you want to reproduce everything that you have read, you have to make sure that you are studying when you are reading.
Let us take a look into the psychology aspect for a few seconds to analyze the present problem. According to psychology, there are three phases that your mind has to pass through, in order to ensure that you are thorough with the information that you have read. The first phase is that of concentrated reading. Here you need to read the text without letting thoughts to wander around your mind. Next you need to ensure that you have collected the facts properly so that you can easily recollect them whenever required. This is usually done by maintaining an order of remembrance in which all the points can be easily recollected. Next is recalling whatever you have learnt. When you go through all these phases correctly, the information that you have read stays intact in your mind for months together.
Now let us get to the exercise needed in order to increase your concentration. Almost all the experts will advice you the same topic. It’s just their payments that are different depending upon their reputation. The first step is to ensure that you are focused. To many a people it seems rather difficult to stay focused. The reason is quite simple. You create so many thoughts for yourself that you cannot steer your mind away from them. The solution is quite simple. Stay focused for shorter periods and then you will observe that your performance is increasing. Try the following exercise:
Forget everything and concentrate on your work continuously for a minute. Keep a counting timer in your mobile that will alert you after a minute. In this one minute try to avoid all the thoughts and just concentrate on the work at hand. Do not even bother about your performance. Just study continuously without getting disturbed. Always make it a point that you tell your family members that you are reading and would not like getting disturbed for the next few hours. Do not even bother to look around if somebody calls you. Try to read in such focused and concentrated manner for at least three hours a day. Never let anyone disturb your penance. A penance once disturbed has to start all the way from the very beginning itself. So its better not to get disturbed while you are studying. After you finish your studying you can find yourself an excuse by telling them that you were studying and could not hear them as the door of your study room was closed. Don’t bother if you will be able to recollect it later or not. For now there is just one mission in front of you- that of concentrated reading. No lover, no mother and no worry shall be allowed to disturb you. After you achieve perfection in this step carry out the following:
1. Increase the time of the timer and reach the state where you will be able to concentrate for a whole hour on your work without getting much disturbed.
2. Remember nobody is a good reader since birth. They are good at it only because they have achieved perfection in it.
3. Your friend is not much intelligent than you. It is just that he is a bit more focused as compared to you. It also means that his parents have made him imbibe that quality ever since his primary days.
4. Most important thing; always take a gap between two sessions of concentrated work. So you begin with reading a minute and taking a short nap/rest the other minute.
Now the concentration problem is over. The next thing is to make notes. Remember, writing a note does not mean copying a paragraph as it is from the text book. A note is maintained so that it can make it easier for you to remember things. It should be point-wise and should have at the most seven words per point in order to remind you the sentences and the order in which they are to be remembered. These notes shall help you a lot at the eleventh hour.
The next thing is to recall all the points without any source kept in front of you. For theory subjects if you write the starting three sentences properly you can continue the later part with your own language. Just make sure that you give the examiner a hint that you have opened the text-book and swallowed all the material in it. The best way to show this is by writing the first three sentences as it is in the text-book.
If you still find it very difficult to focus on your goal I would suggest you to go for meditation. So far the best meditation technique has been brought out by an organization called as Sahaj Yoga. The best part is that it is free and can be practiced by people of all ages and religions. The principles taught in it are useful for our spiritual as well as mental growth. To know more about Sahaj meditation and its founder I would suggest you to log on to . All the other mediation techniques that were followed by my friends came along with initial complaints of great headaches. Whereas Sahaja Yoga was found to be foolproof and caused no initial problems within the students who followed it. Instead, it was quite surprising to find out that my friends who were smoking and drinking left their bad habits overnight after getting their realization (the state of meditation). The best part was that nobody had advised them to do so. The second day itself they lit a cigarette in order to smoke and threw it away, saying that they felt suffocated when they inhaled the smoke of the cigarette. Some of them just vomited out all they had eaten, the moment they smelt the smell of rum or beer. Many a friends of mine, even today thank me for introducing them to Sahaja Yoga. The most common response which I got from my friends the very first day itself, was that, they found Sahaj mediation to be a great stress reliever. Those who are following it since a few months reported that they found it out to be helpful physically, mentally as well as spiritually. I have also heard reports of unusual and hierarchical diseases being cured the very moment they got their self-realizations. Those friends of mine who did not have jobs got jobs even in the tough recession days with much ease. It was very amazing to find out that an uncle whose left leg was partially paralyzed had recovered from the paralysis within a month! He could not bend his leg even for a short period of time, and today, after practicing Sahaja Yoga for over a month, he can sit on the ground quite comfortably for a time period of two hours. Sahaja Yoga uses all the natural elements to heal a person. Hence, there is no reason why one should not give it a try. I have myself seen students with poor academic reports, scoring well, and even topping their classes after practicing Sahaja Yoga! As it is completely free you can definitely give it a try. Just make sure that you tell the centre leader that you are new to Sahaja Yoga and want to get your realization (after the collective mediation at the center is over). They will take care of the rest. If you want a proof of the power of this technique from your home itself then go to and go through the self-realization process documentary which will tell you to follow an exercise with closed eyes. After you finish the exercise you will feel a cool or hot breeze flowing around your fingers. It does not consume much time like the other Yoga’s and demands only a few minutes of meditation. It is advised to meditate ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening in front of a photograph of H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (the founder of the organization). The above website will tell you the phone number of the centre leader of your city. If you are at a remote place and do not know if there is meditation centre of Sahaja Yoga in your city or not, just note down the phone number of the centre leader of the capital city of your state and ask him whether there is a centre running at the place where you are staying or not.
What next? It’s zero hour. Remove your weapons and attack your examiner with elaborate answers that will send your scores shooting off the college rooftop. Remember- ‘all you need to do is to show the examiner that you know the subject at hand very well’. I am sure that your marks card will be filled with flying colors after you finish writing your forthcoming examinations. Do not forget to send me sweets after receiving the good news! Ok then, have a cool day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!