The Bose Intra ear headphones (also known as Bose TriPort In-ear headphones or ear buds) have stolen every buyers heart. Looks cool, it is comfortable and sounds awesome. I had to include these headphones as these are recommended by the greatest technical magazines throughout the world. Trust me, the Bose intra ear headphones are just bliss to listen to.
Initially I thought of playing some pop songs in it: it was very good. I just felt as if the singers were singing the song right into my ears. The sound quality just blasted me out. Pop, classical, jazz, melody name anything and these earplugs will fill your ears with blissful sounds. Beethoven and A.R. Rehman music was just paradise with the Bose intra ear headphones.
To test the headphones I tried playing the Indian classical songs on it. I played Bhimsen Joshi on an Apple i-pod in bass mode. My heart just dissolved at the superb table beats that the ear-phones provided. Any player will play the Bose earphones pretty well (or rather it is the other way round).
The earphones worked best in bass as well as treble mode. It sits comfortably in your ear and has excellent noise cancellation effect. I went through the user reviews before buying this one, trust me it is nothing but heaven to me. Music sees a new dimension when it comes out of the Bose Intra ear headphone.
The ear plug may sometimes slip off if you go out for a jog or if you are toiling in a gym. But hey the sound quality just hides all other things and makes these earplugs the best of the best on earth. I recommend this to anyone who has the bucks to burn for a earplug costlier as these Bose intra ear headphones.